Chapter 20 - Loss

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When Ibiki saw Akai in her mental state, he couldn't react. He was far too shocked. He used to think of her as an unbreakable shinobi, holding tight to her principles. Not even broken bones could stop her from fighting.

And yet, there she was, screaming her heart out with tears pouring down her eyes, her whole figure shaking despite how she had won the fight, covered in blood. Her teammates soon arrived at the scene, also stunned by her state.

Akito and Shin slowly approached her, still not knowing what to do. Akai was their rock, the strongest of the three, the one who protected them. Seeing her so broken made them feel devastated.

Akito kneeled in front of her, and slowly snaked his arms around her, pulling her closer to his chest and hugged her tight. Her screams ceased, and finally stopped, as she clutched his shirt and continued to sob. Shin crouched behind her, patting her back and ruffled her hair, muttering soothing words, trying to calm down not just her, but also Akito and himself.

Akai didn't care anymore. She had lost her cool, but she didn't care anymore. Guilt, it has been a long time since she felt that way. She tried to kill her uncle, who doesn't even hate her, who had always wanted to apologize. It was her fault, not letting him to explain himself, closing her heart completely so that she didn't have to accept the bitter reality.

The almighty Red Mist had realized her mistakes. She had a family, she had friends. She should have depend on them more. She shouldn't have pushed them away.

A small cough escaped her lips, and she gritted her teeth in pain. Too late now. Her sickness. The meds are gone. Her time would be up soon.

"I-..." She stuttered, taking deep breaths. Her tears wouldn't stop falling, her hands continued to tremble even in her teammates' arms.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, closing her eyes.

With that thought, her consciousness slipped away.

| * | * | * | * | * |

Shock was an understatement. Everyone in Team Ibiki was panicking when Akai's body fell limp in Akito's arms. Ibiki rushed to their side, picking up the girl's frail figure, while Shin ran back to the village towards the hospital. Akito stayed with his sensei, while the two of them made their way back, trying to move carefully not to hurt her more.

Days passed, but no one seemed to know what to do. Her wounds healed fast, but she wouldn't wake up. They found some kind of strange medicine in her body, but none of the medic nins knew what kind of drug was that.

Shin had suggested on going back to Kiri to find Mairu, but Ibiki stopped him. As much as he hates it, no one knows the way to the said house. They would only get lost, while Akai will need them, awake or not.

As soon as Naruto returned, Akito had practically begged for help. The group rushed to the hospital, hearing the matter, but that doesn't make much difference.

"It has been long since the last time I met this case," the blonde sannin stated, "And the cure is still unknown."

"What do you mean, Lady Tsunade?"

"I... I can't do much to help her. The cure wouldn't heal her, only delaying the process. It could only be made with rare herbs from Kirigakure, and only a few people knows where to find those herbs. Not including me, sadly. This sickness was so rare that not so many people bothered to study it further. And with the stage she currently is at now, it's almost impossible to heal her."

Akito's eyes widened, Shin's breath hitched. Ibiki gripped the edge of her bed tighter, his teeth gritted in frustration.

"But I will try." The Senju added, "Before I start, though, let me ask you. What happened that triggered her sickness and send her into a coma like this?"

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