Chapter 4 - Academy. Useless~

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  Ibiki can only watch in amusement as the girl pulled out so many things from her pocket, putting them on the desk, dividing them into some groups.

A pearl necklace, gold bracelets, a silver ring, a pendant, shaped like a triangle in the middle of a circle. Also some little blue diamonds. "That weird pendant has a funny story. The owner has white hair and magenta eyes. He brought a large three-bladed scythe. And he was screaming that he wants to sacrifice me to a God named Jashin. Freak."

Next group. A poisoned senbon, some needles, a five-bladed shuriken, 2 lighters. 3 box of matches, and what surprises Ibiki, a three-bladed kunai, with seals written on the hilt.

"Where did you got that?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. He recognized it easily. The Fourth's Thunder God Kunai.

"Iwa's borderlands. Cool stuff, it is, tashikani. I just found one like this."

"... You don't know what that is?"

Akai shook her head.

"Just don't lose it. I might be able to find a way to use it."

Akai shrugged. "Whatever. It's not like I would lost my treasures here."

"Is there anything else that you have?" He asked, and Akai smiled slightly.

"It's all on the table, Scarface." She said, glancing around at all her objects. "That's all of it, minus what I got from the guards here, but I spent most of that already, tashikani."

"Alright. If you want, you can go on to bed. I'll wake you up in time for the academy tomorrow. Goodnight, Akai." Ibiki said, watching as the small blue haired girl nodded, turning on her heel and walking back towards the bedroom he had given her.

When she was in the bedroom, she threw herself down on the bed and curled up in a small ball. Her fingers curled into tiny fists as she stared at the wall in front of her. How dare they force her to be a ninja? She had every right to not be a ninja, it was something children decided if they wanted to do, and Akai did NOT want to.

But regardless, she agreed to the agreement, so she would continue on with the academy for the sake of herself. It was all she could do for now.

Under the covers on the bed, it didn't take the girl long to fall into an unpeaceful sleep.

| * | * | * | * | * |

"Wake up, Akai." Ibiki said as he shook the girl, his eyes watching as the girl just smacked at his hand to get it off of her.

"Akai, wake up." Ibiki said again before he started to shake her rougher. The girl opened her grey eyes only slightly and glared at the man with narrow eyes.

"What Scarface? It's only..." She trailed off as she glanced over at the alarm clock. "6 am! What the hell, tashikani!?"

"I realized that you didn't have any shinobi clothes, so we're going to go buy you some before you go to the academy."

"No." The girl said as she grabbed the pillow from under her head, and placed it over her face in an attempt to ignore Ibiki. The large man rolled her eyes slightly as he grabbed the pillow and tossed it across the room.

"Hey!" Akai said as she sat up, a slight pout on her lips. "You're no fun, Scarface."

"I have a name." Ibiki said, slightly irritated.

"I know. But I prefer Scarface." Akai said with a bright smile. Ibiki rolled his eyes once again before Akai stood up beside of him.

"What kind of clothes do I have to have to be a shinobi?" She asked.

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