Chapter 14 - Exam: Snake

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The two boys were wondering through the forest, attempting to find the middle of it. But after a couple of hours of looking, they seemed to realize that they were completely lost.

"How did we get lost?! Akai said that we were close and that we needed only about thirty minutes to get to the middle of the forest!" Shin said with a loud sigh.

"I don't know! I-... uh..." Akito started, beginning to look around frantically. "Did we take a wrong turn? How did we mess up going straight..." He said, sadness in his voice as he glanced at Akai.

"I don't know, but we need to find our way there now! I don't know what's wrong with her, and frankly, I'm scar-..."

"HEY AKAI!!!" A very familiar voice called out, and Akito and Shin turned around quickly to see none other than Team 7's Naruto running towards them with his hands waving frantically.

"AKA-... why is she passed out? What happened to Akai?!" Naruto said as he began to look around the forest quickly, his team slowly walking up behind him.

"We, uh... we don't know. She just started coughing, and she couldn't breath, and then there was blood..." Akito said quietly, "We were trying to get to the middle of the forest, to the tower, so that we could try to get her help... but we don't know where to go anymore."

"We'll help you!" Naruto said happily, and Sasuke gave him a dirty look.

"The point of this is to survive with the scrolls. Not bring someone else into this." Sasuke said with his normal annoyed tone.

"Shut your mouth Sasuke! Akai is my friend and she would do the same for me!"

"I wouldn't say she's your friend Naruto, more she hid in your house when she was wanted by the Hokage." Sakura said, laughing as Naruto's cheeks turned slightly red, and he looked down.

He crossed his arms over his chest and grumbled, "Yeah, but we're friends now..."

Akito gave an annoyed sigh, unlike his normal calm behavior, and looked at Team 7. "If you're going to help us, please do. If you're not, point us the right direction so we can get her help. That's all I ask." He said, and Naruto looked at his teammates with big eyes.

"Please guys! Sakura, Shin's your brother! Shouldn't you want to help him?!"

"Yeah!" Shin said, glaring at his sister.

"I don't have to help him, but Akai is in bad shape... I think we should help." Sakura said, glancing at her brother.

Sasuke glanced at his two teammates, before he gave a small nod. "Fine. But they're not my responsibility."

"That's good. I don't trust you to take care of her, anyways." Akito snapped, as he tapped Shin's shoulder, "Should I take my turn?"

Shin, who is unusually quiet, shook his head and gently adjusted Akai's limp body on his back. "No. You're better with blades, just guard us." He reasoned, looking at Akai's dagger, which is in Akito's grip, "So, do you guys know the way?"

Sakura pointed her finger to behind them. "I remember clearly we came from there, and we've been walking straight since then."

"I see. Let's just keep moving, then."

| * | * | * | * | * |

While Team 7 went away from the three to discuss their own plan, Shin had put Akai down while he sat next to her, taking a rest. Akito was just above them, at the top of the tree, trying to find any clue on their whereabouts.

"I found it!"

"Really?!" Shin asked back, looking up. Akito replied with a loud grunt, as he jumped down and landed in front of his teammates.

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