Chapter 7 - Her Weakness

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"You brats are late." Ibiki stated, crossing his arms, glaring at his students.

Akai rolled her eyes, watching as Shin cringed and Akito gulped.

"My punishment is simple: you must run around Konoha, 3 times. I want you all to be back here in less than an hour. Or you will be doing more exercises."

Shin's jaw fell agape. "3 times? But Konoha is huge! Like, are you trying to kill us? We already walk around Konoha twice to find you!"

Ibiki scoffed. "Do I care? Now start running!"

They all immediately left the training ground. As they reached the residents area of the village, Akito turned at his teammates.

"Wanna race?" He offered, jogging alongside Shin and Akai. Akai raised an eyebrow.

"Are you serious, tashikani? With the size of the village, plus the heat and the crowds?"

Shin laughed. "Hey, why not? That would make everything even more fun!"

Akai grinned mischievously. "On me. Three, two, start!" She yelled, as the three of them dashed faster.

"I was, and still am, a thief, tashikani! You lose and I'll buy new kunais with these!" She yelled, raising the two wallets in her hands.

"Wha-... Damn you Akai!"


| * | * | * | * | * |

It was as if Akai didn't even run all the laps in the time that she made it back to where Ibiki was, still holding the wallets she had taken in her hands.

"Akai, where did you get those wallets?" Ibiki asked, obviously annoyed that the girl had two new objects that she didn't have when she left.

"I took them from Shin and Akito, tashikani!" She said with a smile. "I told them that if I won, I got to buy new kunais with the ryo in their wallets!"

Ibiki placed his head in his hands and gave a sigh. "I don't know if I should punish you or not since you told them. But how did you finish so fast, you brat?"

"Years of running away gave me the experience. Besides, my family is known for being super fast, tashikani~" She sang out as the two other boys in her group showed up.

"Dammit Akai! You got a head start!" Shin screamed at her, but the girl just laughed quietly.

"You were given full warning, tashikani!" She said with a triumphant smile. "How did you guys not notice me grabbing your wallets?"

"Because you're super sneaky." Akito said quietly, and Akai nodded her head.

"That I am."

"Alright, shut up brats. For your next exercise, I want you guys to practice your accuracy. You have three targets over there-" He said, pointing towards three trees that each had a target placed in the middle of them. "-one for each of you. I will gather your accuracy from how close you are to hitting the middle. You may each use five Kunais. You have twenty minutes to do this exercise. Go!" He shouted, and Shin and Akito both quickly made their ways to the trees, but Akai just rolled her eyes and slowly dragged herself to the target.

"Akai!" Ibiki screamed, but the girl just laughed and then started her training.

| * | * | * | * | * |

Ibiki sighed in frustration. Akito and Shin did good. Both of them has 2 of all the 5 kunais hitting the bullseye, the rest were close to the middle as well.

But Akai...

Guess what.

Akai didn't even throw the kunais.

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