Chapter 5

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When I woke up, I had a massive headache. It didn't exactly help that Damian and Ame were playing a video game really loudly.

"Can you guys turn that down?" I asked, putting a pillow over my head to block the noise. It didn't work. "You can hear that?" Damian asked. "Yeah, what do you guys have that on, fifty?" I asked. "No. We have it on five." Ame said. I took the pillow off of my head and looked up at them. "Really?" I asked. Ame looked back at me and nodded. I noticed that they were playing Hyrule Warriors. Ame pressed the home button on her Wii remote and walked over to me. "Hey, you doing okay?" She asked. "Not really." I said truthfully. "What doesn't feel right?" A female voice asked. I looked over to my doorway, and there was a brown haired lady with a lab coat on leaning against the frame.

      "Who are you?" I asked. The lady smiled. "My name is Dr. Margaret Petal, I work with the KADT, studying Kaiju physiology." She said. "And don't worry, I'm not going to hand you over." I sighed in relief. When she said KADT, I got worried really quickly. "Nothing feels right. I'm sore, hot, have a headache and my vision keeps on doing funky stuff. Not to mention I am really hungry" I said. Dr. Petal nodded. She walked over to my bed, where I was and placed her hand on my forehead. "... Yeah, you do still feel really hot, which you shouldn't be, since you got here hours ago." Dr. Petal said. "At least she changed back to normal." Damian said. Dr. Petal frowned. "Not quite. Her ears have taken a pointed shape, her teeth have become more pointed, and her skin has become more scally in some places." Dr. Petal said. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, especially at my tailbone area. I sat up, and the uncomfortableness went away, but Dr. Petal's face paled. "What?" I asked. "Well, it also looks like your tail didn't go away, either." She said. I widened my eyes and looked behind me, and sure enough, there was a dragon like tail. "... I'm almost afraid to ask what I looked like when I wasn't normal." I muttered. "Sorry, Sorcha, we didn't take any pictures since your mom wouldn't let us." Ame said.

"And for good reasons, too. The KADT can hack into your phones without even having it." I heard mom say. I looked over at her, and I saw that she had a bowl of ice cream in her hands. She smiled at me and she gave me the bowl. "I figured you wouldn't want anything warm to eat, since your temperature was at 115." She said. "Thank you." I said before eating. I'll admit, I was kinda mad at mom for not telling me before who my dad was, so I was trying to talk to her as least as possible.

     "Agent Damian, Ame, we should probably leave them alone." I heard Dr. Petal whisper. Ame nodded, turned off the TV and gestured for Damian to follow before leaving. I waited until they were downstairs before I started asking questions.

    "Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded. "I wanted to." Mom said quietly. "That doesn't answer my question." I pressed on. Mom let out a soft sigh. "The KADT made me promise that I would never speak to you about Fyrono, ever. They had hoped that if you never knew, you would grow up as a normal citizen and would always be on the KADT's side." Mom explained. That made some sense. "Why didn't you tell me in secret?" I asked. "The KADT always had us on surveillance back in Washington, so I couldn't. I didn't tell you after we moved because I was afraid that they still had us watched. Apparently not." Mom muttered the last bit to herself. "What would have happened if you told me?" I asked. Mom looked up at me with a serious look in her eyes. "They would have killed you, no questions asked." She said. I nodded, now kind of happy that she didn't tell me. I scratched an itchy part on my back, but mom stopped me. "Take off your shirt, it'll be better if I treat that instead of you scratching at it." She said. I nodded and did what I was told. She then started applying this cream on my back. I heard her quietly chuckle. "Now that you've seen who your father is, I'm pretty sure you have quite a few questions on how you were conceived." She said. My eyes widened at that. "I have plenty of questions, but that is one I don't want to know the answer too." I said, hoping that she wouldn't say any more. "It couldn't be more simple-" Mom started. "No, I'm not listening! La la lalala!" I said, covering my ears with my hands. Mom laughed and patted my back. "Put your shirt back on and we'll meet with everyone downstairs." Mom said before leaving. I smiled and did what I was told before meeting up with everyone downstairs.

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