Chapter 53 (Ame)

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After Sorcha was taken away by the scientists my nerves only seemed to get worse. I could sense that she was angry and a little scared but then her mental signal began to wane as time went on until I could sense that something was wrong but it was so frustratingly weak that I couldn't really tell. I was just pacing in my cage, trying to keep my anger from boiling over.

Breathe, Ame, breathe. She's tough so whatever they're gonna throw at her she'll be okay. I tried to reassure myself. Unfortunately it wasn't working.

I winced as the collar around my neck rubbed into my skin, reminding me of the pain I felt earlier. I had tried to turn into my human form just to see if I could but all I got was an electrical shock that immobilized me for several minutes. I did not want for that to happen again.

"Ame?" I heard someone call. A little startled, I looked at the entrance floor to see who it was. I had to lay down with my head on the floor to see who it was. To my surprise, it was Christian. I felt my heart flutter a little, but I squished it down for now.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked. As far as I knew he had no reason to be in the Base. Unless he was using a visiting time, but then again I doubt that they would let anyone visit Sorcha and I.

"I came here to visit you. That, and my... dad... is a scientist here." He explained. He seemed a little uncomfortable at the mention of his dad.

"You serious? I didn't know that." I said. He nodded, his eyes diverted to the floor.

"So... are you okay?" He asked.

"Well, my collar is a pain in the ass right now, and they just took Sorcha away. I'm sensing that something's wrong but I can't tell. I think something in the Base is blocking out signals to each other." I explained.

"Oh yeah you two have the bonding thing because you're her Guardian. I have no idea what would be blocking out the signals between you two, though. Since research on that is still in the beginning stages and trying to find both a bonded Doragon and Hellhound is extremely hard to find." He explained.

"Not surprising. Both Doragons and Hellhounds would try to keep one another from getting captured." I said. We both went into an awkward silence for a little while.

"So... you don't mind?" I asked.

"Don't mind what?" He asked innocently with those bright green eyes that sparkled up at me. They were so pretty, and matched his whole body beautifully.

"The fact that I'm not a human?" I reminded him.

"Oh! That. Uhm... no not really." He said, surprising me.

"Seriously? I thought that you would've hated me." I shuffled my paws, a little uncomfortable at the subject.

"Nah." He said simply. I had to blink a couple of times to make sure I wasn't dreaming this up.

"Oh... Okay..." We paused again.

"So, have they been treating you well?" He asked hopefully.

"Oh despite the fact we're treated like diseased animals, absolutely fantastic!" I snapped sarcastically. He flinched a little at my tone.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have asked." He shuffled his feet, his eyes flitting around like he was keeping a lookout. I got the feeling that he's not supposed to be there, which made me wonder if he had came here with his dad and he was supposed to stay in one place or if he had snuck inside. I could see him doing either.

"So... why was Sorcha taken away? I thought they were only keeping you two here until Fort Liber was rebuilt." He pointed out.

"They said it was for a check up, but I'm beginning to doubt that. If it was just a check up I doubt that they'd block out our signals." Christian nodded in agreement.

"Well, legally they can't do much. Then again locking you two up without a trial or anything is pretty illegal." I had to agree with that.

This just fucking sucked.

Speaking of Sorcha, our bond suddenly snapped into place again and I howled in agony as her pain racked through my body. I could feel that she had broken bones, deep cuts and her scales where all bruised. Immediately, the base was filled with the sounds of angry Kaiju, most of them trying to take Sorcha's pain onto themselves to ease her suffering. She tried to tell them no, but she was too weak to even really think.

Then I saw her. She was down the hall, being forced to walk and still bound. She was limping badly, trying to keep off of her clearly broken leg as they practically dragged her along. Her scales where unusually pale and were either bruised or had blood on them. They didn't even bother to cover up the cuts on her body, except for one. It was on her chest, the bandage glowing gold. I assumed that's where her Flame is.

My instincts were going nuts, telling me to aid her as best as I could, but I felt helpless since whenever I tried to bash myself against the barrier I would just get a painful electric shock. Even scratching against it didn't work.

As soon as they reached her cell, I heard it open up and they threw her inside. She yelled in pain, gripping onto her leg as she went into a fetal position. I waited for her to feel a little better before I said anything.

What on Earth did they do to you? I asked. I could feel the other Kaiju trying to listen in, but I kept them from bothering her too much.

She was silent, trying to keep her thoughts together to form something coherent. Mostly her brain was firing random song lyrics or phrases from movies to try to distract herself. It was kind of impressive how much her brain remembered. Even though the timing was completely random.

It was... definitely not a check up. She finally said.

Well no shit you're bleeding everywhere and your leg is broken. I pointed out.

"Christian! What are you doing communing with that monster? You know that you're supposed to be at the lounge!" Someone yelled. Sorcha and I both looked over to see who was talking, and we saw it was Dr. Vincent. I bit back a growl as my instincts went off again, wanting to rip his head off.

Christian flinched at the scientist's tone of voice. I sensed that he only sort of regretted coming down to see me, though.

"Sorry, father." He mumbled, looking down at his feet to avoid eye contact.

Christian is his son? I thought, not believing it for a moment. Then again, they shared the same eye and skin tone. I wondered how his mother was, since I don't think I've ever met her before. Granted, the probability that she died in D.C is pretty high.

Dr. Vincent smelled uncomfortable when he realized I was staring daggers into his back. He looked at me for a moment, a cold and calculating look on his face. I wondered if he knew that I had put two and two together and had pegged him as the most likely suspect that would hurt Christian. Would explain as to why he always had some sort of bruise.

He grabbed his son by the arm, but Christian looked like he was only halfheartedly struggling in his grasp. He had a look of dread on his face.

"Come on. We will talk about this in private." Dr. Vincent growled before he pulled his son away and out of sight.

Do you think he'll be okay? Sorcha asked. To my surprise she actually sounded worried for him. I was glad though that she was warming up to him.

I hope so. I whimpered. I knew I couldn't help him locked up like this, which made me frustrated and a little angry. At least while I was hiding I could give him medical attention.

I hate Vincent. I can deal with the fact he just chopped me up and broke my leg. But the fact that he's such an ass to his son? Nope. Fuck that. I want to beat him up. She said with such conviction.

Unfortunately you can't do that right now. You need to lay down and rest as much as possible. You can't heal if you keep on moving. I pointed out.

Yes mother. She said, both sarcastic and amused. I cracked a smile, happy that she had at least retained her sense of humor. Few moments later she passed out, leaving me to think things over. I couldn't help but hope that Fyrono would hurry up if he was planning a rescue mission. Sighing, I curled up into a ball to follow Sorcha's example. 

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