Chapter 6

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When I was awoken by my alarm clock, my first thought was why was my alarm clock on? Then I remembered that it was Monday, and Monday means the start of another school week.

    I sighed and turned off my alarm clock before stumbling out of bed to get dressed and get something to eat. I haven't really had anything decent since Friday.

    Friday, the day when my dad finally decided to no longer ignore me and show himself. I thought it was kinda weird that he would suddenly appear and then ignore me over the weekend. Not like I'm complaining, it would be weird if he suddenly wanted to hang out, too.

    When I was done getting dressed, I checked my window to make sure there weren't any Wyverns on my roof. There weren't any, so I went downstairs to get some food.

    As I was going downstairs, I passed by the full sized mirror that was hanging in the hallway. Oh, shit! I thought. Since I don't really like to look in mirrors, I had forgotten about the scales on my face and neck, and I realized that I needed to figure out a way to hide my tail. I rushed to the bathroom to see if maybe I could use some of mom's makeup to cover my scales. Turns out mom was a few steps ahead of me. On the counter was a bottle of cream and a note. I picked it up so I could read it.

    Morning, baby girl. I figured you'd want to hide those scales of yours, so I had Dr. Petal whip up a little something for you. It should hide them and match your skin tone, if it doesn't, then feel free to skip school today. About your tail, you should be able to just wrap it around your waist if you wear something bulky enough. Love you, and I'll be home by 7, the usual. I couldn't help but smile and feel grateful that my mom would do this for me. I picked up the bottle and started to dab some on my face.

    When I was done, I did one last check to make sure I didn't miss any before I went to my room to find a bulky enough shirt. It took some searching, but I managed to find an old t shirt that was just bulky enough to hide it. It was a pale blue, but I didn't really care.

    I went down stairs to get some breakfast, and apparently mom was ahead on that, too. In my spot on the table, there were waffles and bacon. They were still warm. Jesus Christ, mom! What else did you do for me? I wondered before stuffing my face full of food.

    Believe it or not, I was actually almost late. When I was done, I looked over to the clock. It was 7:30am, and I usually leave the house at 7:25. Shit! I thought as I rushed to clean up my mess and get everything back together. In no time flat, I had all of my stuff together and I was running to the high school.

    The only thing interesting that happened at all during school was during lunch.

    Carlos, Kyle, Ame, Rhythm, Keagan and I were sitting outside on a metal picnic table since the heat was actually bearable. I regretted agreeing to sit outside, since a few Two Stars Kaiju were sitting around my feet, trying to get me to give them some food. I was trying to let them know that they weren't welcome without everyone getting suspicious. It wasn't working. Some Wyverns were even gathering around on the telephone wires.

    ''Hey, Ame, I have some news that I know you will like." Kyle said. Ame looked up at Kyle, suddenly looking very interested. "I'm listening." Ame said. Her arm was in a sling, which didn't surprise me since she had told me Keagan had accidentally shot her in the arm, from what I've heard. Kyle smiled. "Nathan and Aiden are moving back." He said. That must've been Ame and Rhythm's trigger sentence, because they shot up, screaming "Nathan and Aiden! Nathan and Aiden!" While hopping around each other and the courtyard. Their little outburst confused me, but on the bright side, they scared off the Kaiju!

    "Who are Nathan and Aiden?" I asked as soon as they calmed down. "Nathan and Aiden are Juniors that moved away last year." Keagan explained. "And they are coming back!" Ame squealed happily. "Oh. Okay." I said, taking a bite from my cheeseburger. I must've not really sounded all that enthusiastic, because Ame looked very worried. "You okay, Sorcha?" Ame asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I reassured her. In truth, I was kinda uncomfortable since I was sitting on my tail and it was really hard to sneakily adjust it when Barnes was watching my every move. Ame nodded, but she gave a look that meant she was going to make me tell the truth later. Right then, the bell rang, so we had to clean up and go to our next class.

Heart of Flame: Freshmen YearWhere stories live. Discover now