Chapter 7

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Not long after, I was getting ready for another football game I had to play at. Our school was going against one of the richer, better schools. It was literally called Riche High School, and apparently they were our school's rival, so I might actually be entertained.

The band members and the football team have been working extra hard for the last week or so, and we had good reasons. Last year, Riche High School had creamed us, so there was revenge on everyone's minds.

Except for me.

   I was more focused on keeping my identity a secret, and it wasn't exactly helping that the Two and Three Star Kaiju were becoming bolder, putting me at risk. Barnes has also been trying to get me suspended, and Ms. Davis has been stricter than usual, and it's almost a daily thing for Ame and I to get detention from her.

   It only got worse a few days before the big game.

I was tired, cranky, and in a really bitchy mood. It wasn't helping that Jessica, Brandon (who I found out was her boyfriend) and a few of their friends were talking bullshit about me and my friends. Now, usually I can handle it when someone talks bad about me, but when it's my friends? That's a whole different story. It got so bad that, in my Geometry class, I slammed Brandon into a wall, making cracks in the wall and probably his skull. Mr. Perry sent me out of the class, and I felt horrible afterwards. Not for Brandon, but the fact that Mr. Perry seemed so afraid of me, and he's my favorite teacher.

   Mr. Perry ended up suspending me for a few days, and I was just glad he didn't expel me. Since my mom was still at the Base, The Office had me walk home, saying that it was probably for the best that I went home early. Without saying a word, I picked up my stuff and left.

Usually when I go home I stay home, but not today. I ended up dumping my stuff in my room and headed outside and started walking, as if something was leading me. A few Kaiju followed me, but at this point, I didn't even care. Some even tried to comfort me, but I growled at them everytime they got too close.

   Since I was walking in no particular direction, I was surprised when I saw I had walked right into the Kaiju territory. I breathed in, and I was surprised how clean the air was here compared to Agono. I didn't feel like going back, so I just went forward.

Yeah, yeah, I know. That was a very stupid idea, walking into a Kaiju infested area, but at this point, I didn't even really care. I just wanted time alone to myself, and I knew that as soon as my mom heard I had been suspended, she would drive straight home, and I didn't want to deal with her until I was calmer.

   Unfortunately, my peaceful moment was interrupted by a boulder. As fast as I could, I dodged it, and I was surprised that it hadn't hit me at all. I heard a loud roar, and I looked up. It was a Kyoryu type Kaiju, and it looked very angry at me. He slammed his spiky fist down at me, and I leaped out of the way. I glared and growled at him, but he didn't look impressed. I dodged another attack, and I got really angry when I heard a voice I hadn't heard in a few weeks.

   "What are you doing? Attack now, while you have the chance!" I heard him say. I looked up, and I growled. Watching me from behind a cliff, was my dad. "What is this?! Some kind of test?!" I demanded. I was interrupted when the Kyoryu tried to smash me, and I had to run. I heard Fyrono chuckle. "He's challenging you for the right to be my heir, so in a way, yes." He said. I had to dodge another attack. "What if I don't want to be your heir?!" I yelled, glaring at him the whole time. The Kyoryu's tail tried to smash me, but I managed to hold it up before smacking it away, hard. That's it! I thought. I breathed in deeply, and I breathed out a jet of fire, burning the Kyoryu's face. He screeched as he tried to put out my flames. My vision suddenly turned red, and I ran towards the Kyoryu, punching him in the knees. I dodged another attack before breathing another burst of golden flames, burning him pretty badly. He tried to smash me again, but our fight was interrupted.

"Sorcha!" I heard my mom's terrified voice screech. I looked over, and there she was, stepping out of her (admittingly fancy) KADT jet. Looking over was a bad idea. As soon as I was distracted, the Kyoryu smacked me, and I went flying, slamming into the side of a cliff face. I groaned as the Kyoryu picked me up, and as soon as he put me at his eye level, I smirked. Stupid lizard. I thought before unleashing as much fire as I could. He let out another ear splitting screech before throwing me. I somehow managed to land without hurting myself, but I landed right in front where dad was, and I managed to hear their argument.

"Fyrono, stop this! She could get hurt or killed!" Mom yelled at him, sounding very afraid. "I can't. This is her fight." He said. I could've sworn he almost looked... happy to see my mother. I heard the Kyoryu roar, and I looked up to see he was about to smash me. Not wanting to be turned into a Kaiju pancake, I lept out of the way. The force of the Kyoryu's fist hitting to the top of the cliff sent rocks flying, and I flinched as a felt a few cut my face. Okay, think, Sorcha, think.... I thought to myself, trying to come up with some kind of plan. That's when I noticed that there was an overlook on one of the tops of the cliffs, and it clicked in my mind that if I managed to hit it with enough force, it'll crash down, causing a rockslide. I dodged another attack, and I ran towards the overlook. I figured that I didn't have enough strength to cause the rockslide, but if I climbed the side of the cliff, he might hit the side by trying to hit me, and then the rocks would come crashing down.

   I sighed and I started climbing. Just as I thought, the Kyoryu started punching the side of the cliff, and I had to jump out of the way. He hit it again, and I could feel the rocks starting to move. After a few more punches, the rocks came down and hit him, right in the head. Ouch. I thought as he collapsed, obviously knocked out cold. "Finish him now!" I heard my father demand. I looked at the Kyoryu, and I felt like I couldn't. I felt like I could kill if it was in the middle of a battle, but when my enemy is defenseless? It didn't seem right, no matter how angry I was.

   "No." I said. I looked up at dad and glared at him, daring him to do something about my defiance. He seemed surprised, and that's when my mother stepped in.

   "Sorcha, come on, we have to go home. Besides, we need to talk about your suspension." Mom said, which made my stomach drop to the floor in dread. She started to walk away, but she stopped when she noticed I wasn't following her. "Now." She commanded. I flinched and followed her. When I got to her jet, she stopped me. "You should probably change back." She said. At first I was confused, but then she grabbed my hand to show it to me, and I was surprised to see red scales all up and down my arms. I looked into the mirror that she had in her jet, and what I saw surprised me. I was in some kind of half human, half Kaiju form. What scared me the most was the fact I hadn't even noticed the change. Instinctively, I focused on what my human form looked like, and suddenly, the scales were gone. I climbed into the jet, and I eavesdropped on mom.

"Fyrono, if you hurt her like that again, I will come back and flay that scaly hide of yours." Mom said, glaring at dad before jumping in. Right before we took off, I heard dad mutter, "Missed you, too, love." As we ascended, I watched him run away, looking back once before disappearing behind a large rock.
Mom and I then sped away, back to Agono. 

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