Chapter 27

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I woke up with a splitting headache and a throbbing pain in my side. The smell of medicine and alcohol wipes filled my nose, and when I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see I was in the nurse's office.

"Oh! Sorcha, you're awake." I heard a high pitched woman's voice ring in my ear. Blinking away the bright fluorescent lights hanging above me, I looked to my right to see it was the nurse. What was her name? Ms..... Mercia? I think it was Ms. Mercia.

"Oh. Hey." I greeted, rubbing my eyes. "What am I doing here?"

"You don't remember? Not too surprising, since you hit your head pretty hard." She said with that smile that seemed to come with the job of being a nurse. Half fake, half genuine.

"Well, I don't know all of the details, but from what a friend of yours had been saying, some sort of chemical made you go all Kaiju at the basketball team. Damian had to put you under." She explained. I blinked, memories starting to resurface. Instantly, a sense of guilt filled me.

"Did anyone get hurt?" I asked, afraid if what she was going to say.

"No, thankfully. It looks like your fine now. Maybe you should go see you friends? They were pretty worried about you." Ms. Mercia said, with a slight clip in her voice. I knew the sound of it. She was afraid and wanted to get me out as soon as possible.

"Alright. Thank you." I said, getting off of the bed I had been laying on. Not seeing any of my stuff around, I just left and made my way over to the Locker room. I was pretty sure that's were I had left my stuff.

When I got to the locker room, I was happy to see that it was unlocked. Which also kind of weird since it was probably way after hours. I opened the door with ease, and I suddenly stopped in my tracks. To my surprise, my friends were waiting for me. Yes, even my guy friends.

"Oh. Hey guys." I said, recovering my wits. "Aren't you supposed to be heading home?"

"Probably." Rhythm piped up.

"But we wanted to make sure you were okay. You did hit the ground really hard." Carlos said.
"I'm fine. Where's Nathan and Aiden? Are they alright?" I asked. I still didn't remember much of my Kaiju session, so I just wanted to make sure. Even though the nurse said no one was hurt.

"We're fine." I heard someone behind me say. I turned around, and I saw it was Nathan, with Aiden right behind him. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"So no one did get hurt. That's good to hear." I said, a sense of relief filled me. I looked up at Nathan.

"So... Uh.... What did happen? The nurse wasn't very specific." I pointed out. I saw Ame's face turn into a new shade of red in anger.

"Barnes had a canister full of Kaiju pheramones that triggers anger in a Kaiju. How he got it, even Damian isn't sure, since from what he's told me you have to have a pretty good reason to have one. But, the long and short of it is he thought he could sabatoge you off the team." Ame summerized for me. Truth be told, I wasn't terrible surprised. After he showed his anger at Nathan choosing me to be on the team, I figured something like this was going to happen eventually. Still didn't mean I wasn't angry about it.

"Where's that bitch now?" I hissed.

"Damian took him to the KADT base to be 'evaluated', whatever that means." Aiden finally spoke up. There was a pause as I let this all sink in.

"So... Am I still on the team?" I asked, almost shyly. Nathan gave me a big smile.

"Yup! I managed to convince the rest of the team that this isn't your fault. Although we're probably going to need a new place to practice at." Nathan chuckled. My face paled.

"What did I do now?" I asked.

"Nothing much, just blew the windows open."

"Oh." I sighed, happy that it wasn't totaled like the other one.
"What is it with Kaiju's and the Gym? Do they really hate the pacer like we do?" Aiden joked, instantly relieving any tension that there was in the room. His jokes were so infectious, even if they were cheesy. Sometimes I can't help but smile.

"Maybe its the smell. It does reek pretty fucking badly in there." I pointed out.

"I don't smell anything." Aiden said.

"Well, you don't exactly have a Kaiju nose like I do."

"Hey guys? I don't really want to inturupt but don't you think we should start heading home? Its almost five." Kyle suddenly spoke up.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Just give me a moment to gather up my things." I said, walking over to my locker before turning the lock to the right numbers.

Thankfully the rest of the afternoon went pretty smoothly after that. Everyone started walking home, including Ame and I. Sometime during practice, though, it started to snow. Which baffled me since it was the beggining of November. If we were lucky, western Washington would get snow in the January. Unfortunately, I wasn't prepared for the snow. But, it seemed like my body was since I wasn't bothered by it. After dropping Ame off at her house, I didn't start walking home. Instead, I started to walk over to the park. Why? I didn't let this on to my friends, but I was actually incredibly pissed off. It was probably just the pharamones talking, but I got really mad when I heard that Barnes had used my own senses against me. And for what? To prove to everyone that I was a danger to mankind? If he hadn't blew that canister all up in my face, everything would be fine. Hell, I probably would've won that game too.

Trying to calm my raging temper, I let out a slow breath, watching as it formed a cloud. I remembered that when I was in elementary school, I used to pretend I was a big scary Kaiju and used the cloud of steam as my "fire breath" as I chased my friends around the schoolyard. Now I can't help but laugh since I can breath fire for real.

I was almost to the park when I heard something. At first, I thought it was nothing, just my overly sensitive Kaiju hearing freaking out at the fact everything was pretty quiet. Over time though, it sounded like words; Help me.

Curious, I began to look for the source. Over time I realized that it wasn't a normal voice that was calling for help, it was a Kaiju's "mind voice" (for lack of a better term). At first, I wondered if this was a trap, but the pain in his voice felt so real, I could almost feel it myself.

Hello? Who's calling? I reached out. No answer.

Over... Here... I heard the voice choke out. Getting even more concerned, I followed it until it said stop.

Where? I asked.

Right.... in front of you... I think I'm buried in the... Snow... The voice gasped. Looking down at my feet, I saw a small pile of snow, with what looked like a small paw sticking out. Dropping to my knees, I began to unbury the tiny Kaiju. Thankfully he wasn't buried too deeply, and I let out a tiny gasp when I saw who it was. It was that annoying Wyvern I kept on seeing.

"Hey, I know you! You're the Wyvern who's been stalking me!" I cried out. He seemed to give me a small smile.

"Yes, I am, little princess." He said before coughing.

"You need to get inside. Now." I realized, ignoring the fact that he was a small Kaiju and had just talked. Careful with him since I had no idea what was wrong with him, I pressed himself close to my chest before zipping my jacket up around him. When I made sure no one was looking, I even brought my wings out for extra measure.

"Princess... You don't need to do this." The small Wyvern murmered, sounding a little sleepy. Probably was my body heat that was making him so.

"No, but I want to." I said, running off back home. I prayed that mom was home by the time I got their. Maybe she could call Dr. Petal to see what was wrong with him.

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