Chapter 40

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Ame and I didn't catch a single Kaiju. The little fuckers were to fast for either of us. Didn't help that neither one of us knew how to properly hunt. It got a good laugh out of our mother's though. 

I finally spotted deserty terrain after about a half an hour. I had no idea how long we had been flying (I estimated later that it was about two hours) but I was happy to know that we were getting close to home. Of course dad had to land in the Kaiju territory first. Wouldn't want the massive King of Kaiju landing right in the middle of our town, now would we? 

Father landed as close to the border as he possibly could while trying to stay hidden to the KADT. He offered to walk with us the rest of the way, but turns out mother had hidden her car behind a rock formation nearby. He seemed a little sad that he couldn't go with us, but mother told him to go on his way and that we'd be able to see him later. He pouted a little, but thankfully he left after saying his goodbyes. Mom, Ame, Alex and I hoped into the car and quickly drove to Agono before something happened. We didn't know what would happen, but it was still unnerving being out in the middle of nowhere where Kaiju or KADT could attack at any moment. 

Mom decided to take the back roads to get home, mostly because we weren't sure if the Base here had heard about our little break out yet. I would assume so, but who knows. When we didn't see KADT agents swarming our house, we assumed that it was safe. Mom dropped Alex and Ame off at their house before we parked our car at home. We walked in through the front door, and I have never felt so happy to be home after about three weeks of being held hostage. To my relief, everything looked exactly the same to how we left it. In a way, it almost seemed like we had never left. Even the smell was the same. 

"I'm going to go to my room to put my stuff down." I said, already heading up the stairs. 

"Alright." My mother said, looking a little distracted. I wondered what she was thinking, but I decided to ask her in a little bit. I opened up the door to my room and I was happy to see that everything looked the same. I dropped my bag next to my door and made my way over to my desk only to pause. 

Why was there a weird nest like structure in the middle of my bed? 

Curious, I went to investigate. It was small enough to be a bird's nest but it wasn't made out of sticks and twigs. To me, it looked like it was made out of small shiny stones with soft fluffy fur to cushion the middle. My window was open for some reason, so I wondered if maybe some small Kaiju had flown in and thought my bedroom was a good place to nest. Almost as soon as I ended the thought, a small brown blur flew past me, startling me so badly that I let out a shriek and fell on my ass. I rubbed the base of my tail as shock waves of uncomfortable pain went up my spine, hoping that would ease it. I stopped when I heard someone laugh. 

"Pardon me, Princess. I didn't mean to startle you." I heard someone say. Looking up, I frowned when I saw that it was Dewi perched on one of my shelves. He sounded sincere, but he was smiling and his eyes were flashing like I had amused him. 

"Yeah right." I grumbled, standing back up onto my feet. "Whatcha doing here, Dewi?"

"Your father wanted me to see if you were alright." He explained. 

"I saw him about an hour ago." I pointed out, frowning. Why would my dad want his messenger to check up on me when we saw each other not too long ago? Was he really that paranoid? Then again we did just kind of leave without telling him. 

"Yeah, well, he is your father and he does want to make sure you where safe." The small Kaiju pointed out. He paused for a moment to lick down some wild fur on his wings. In a weird way I found that action to be kind of cute. I rolled my eyes at the thought of dad being that worried about me. 

"Anyways, do you know why there's a nest in the middle of my bed?" I asked. He paused mid lick to look at the structure. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. 

"No clue. I would imagine some lower ranking Kaiju thought that this was a safe place for them. Although it smells like they haven't been here in a long time." He pointed out. 

"Do you think it would be a good idea to get rid of it? That is where I sleep, after all." I more murmured the last part to myself. 

"I would imagine so. Whoever made that has no right in invading your personal lair, no matter how long you where gone. I might have to give them a good talking to later." His voice creeped dangerously into a growl, but it was so small and quiet it almost seemed pitiful. I didn't tell him that of course. Didn't want to hurt the poor guy's ego. 

"If you can find out who it is." I chuckled. The thought of Dewi sniffing around the Kaiju caves to try and find this one offender seemed rather funny to me. 

"Oh I already know who it is. It's my sister, her scent is all over here." He admitted. My eyes widened in surprise. 

"You have a sister?" I asked.

"Yes I do. She's a messenger like I am so I don't get to see her very often." He went back to cleaning his wing for a moment. I waited for him to finish up to ask any more questions. 

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