Chapter 46

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Few weeks after the botched meeting and I still hadn't seen anything of my father. It was, in a way, a relief since he was a constant reminder of the overwhelming hopes he had for me and my future. Instead, I started to get even more visits from Kaiju who wanted my title. I actually kind of wanted to fight them since it was a good way to let out my anger, but more often then not they were driven off by an army from the KADT. 

Ame had talked to her mother about her being a Hellhound, and from what she said Alex didn't really reveal any new information, just the fact that my mother and her had decided to keep her away from the Kaiju out of fear that she would be killed. She didn't look like a Hellhound anymore, and honestly they didn't expect her to turn back since the stuff they used was powerful. 

Damian was the one I was worried about. Ever since Ame and I had came back from Fort Liber about a month ago and he was starting to act a little... weird. He's been clingy and oddly paranoid. Not like Barnes, but it was enough of a change for me to notice and to worry about it. It didn't help that the Valentine's Day Dance was coming up in two weeks, exactly on Valentine's Day, and Damian really wanted to go with Ame. She and I were against the idea, since they had only just now gotten the gym all fixed up and we didn't want a repeat of the Homecoming dance. 

She was also worried that she wouldn't be able to wear a dress since she had a small tail. Nothing large, but it was enough to make us both worried. I tried to give her advice on how to deal with that, but I wasn't sure if it was going to work with her tail since it was fluffy and wasn't as bendable. We ended up figuring out that if she used hair ties her tail wasn't nearly as fluffy.

On Feburary first, Ame and I were gathering our stuff at the end of the day. Even though the end of the semester was a week or so ago, not much had changed in my schedule. The only class period that had changed was my Economics class. It had changed into a Digitools class, which meant we were learning about computers and the like.

Unfortunately that meant I still had to deal with Barnes as a teacher but I had a feeling that wasn't going to change no matter what I do.

Ame and I walked out of the girls locker room and planned to meet up with the rest of our friends. That was trumped when I saw Barnes waiting in the halfway for us. He was crossing his arms, and looking as grumpy as always.

"Sorcha, you need to come with me." He demanded. My breath hitched into my throat, a feeling of dread seeping into my core. My mind went back to the last few weeks, wondering what I had done wrong. 

"Why? What happened?" I asked, trying to keep the panic out of my voice.

"Nothing; Just the KADT had decided you were due for another check up with Dr. Petal. The higher ups are nervous after your last meeting with your father." He explained. His words were honest enough, but in his eyes shown like he knew something I didn't. It made me suspicious, even though I didn't trust him in the first place.  I wouldn't be surprised if he thought of this as an opportunity to get me locked up.

"When do I have to see her?" I asked. 

"Now. You're mother has already been notified so I'll be taking you there. Ame, you can't come due to legal reasons." He informed her.

"Legal reasons?" She growled, crossing her arms.

"Yes. It may just be a check up, but Sorcha's medical information is still private just like any normal person." He explained.

"It's okay Ame. It'll probably take me an hour or so and then I'll come home." I reassured her. She gave me a look like I was crazy, but she couldn't really do anything since she was still hiding her changes. Knowing she couldn't do anything, she nodded in understanding.

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