Chapter 44

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Father didn't say anything as he took us away, but I could sense the terror underneath his seething anger. His heart beat was loud and pounding in my ears, sounding like he had just ran all the way across the country. I could sense he didn't want another scare like that again, but he wasn't sure how he would protect me from such dangers. Shimo hadn't even done it on purpose, he simply didn't see me because of my small size.  

Thankfully, after a couple of minutes, father finally let me just sit on his hand instead of being trapped like I was. As soon as he did, I looked up at him in an angry manner.

"Guardian? You do know that I have lost enough kids?" I quoted. My words did it's desired effect, making his mind freeze for a moment until he tried to get his thoughts back together. 

"Not now, Sorcha." He said, his tone firm. 

"What do you mean, "not now?" I think it is the perfect time to talk about this." I said. I would've stood up, but I had the feeling that if I did I probably would've fallen to the ground. He was thinking of ways to carefully craft his words. The whole time I silently glared up at him. 

"No, it is not. I have a meeting to run and royalty to calm. I will tell you in due time, but for now you just need to trust me." He said, his voice losing the sharp anger and turning into something kinder. 

"Trust you? Trust you? How am I supposed to trust anyone when my own father is keeping secrets from me?" I growled. 

"I have to agree with Sorcha, Fyrono. Obviously you're hiding something and as your daughter she has a right to know." Ame pipped up. I was thankful that she had my back on this, but I could sense that it wasn't helping.

"Dad. If it's some big thing that you're worried I'll relay to the KADT, I won't." I said in an attempt to convince him. 

"I'm not worried about that." He defended. 

"Then what are you worried about? And don't say "nothing" because that's a big fat lie." I snapped. Father cracked a small smile, amusement flashing in his mind. 

"We'll talk about this later, but for now; I want you to mingle with some of the other Princesses and Princes of the court. Maybe you'll make some new friends." He said, nodding up ahead. Wondering what he was looking at, I looked over my shoulder to see that it was another cave entrance. I could hear a bunch of voices, a lot of them talking at once in excited tones. As soon as my father walked in though, they all went silent and looked at us. 

From my high up vantage point I could see that there were many younger Kaiju in here. I could see an ice Doragon, five royal Hellhounds, one Harpy, one Kyoryu and three Phoenix's. They were all bowing until my father told them to stop. Without saying anything, he set me down on the ground and turned around to leave. 

You better keep your promise! I yelled into his mind. He didn't respond, just left us alone with a bunch of strange Kaiju who were all staring at us. I could almost feel them judging me for how small I am and it was honestly making me feel a little uncomfortable. Ame could sense it, and she protectively placed a paw in between me and these strangers. 

"Are you Sorcha?" The Kyoryu asked, breaking the awkward silence between our two parties. 

"Yes." I said, my voice a lot quieter then I had expected. To my surprise, she gave me a smile. 

"Geez, I was wondering when we'd get to see you. We were starting to wonder if you were just a rumor started by our parents just to screw with us." One of the Hellhounds, a guy, said. 

"Honestly I don't think my father has enough of a sense of humor for that." The ice Doragon pointed out. Everyone laughed, and I felt like the awkward one who was missing out on an inside joke. Once the laughing died down, the staring continued like I was supposed to say something. I felt like my tongue was in knots, and I shuffled my feet uncomfortably. 

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