Chapter 26

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We had woken up at around six in the morning, an entire half an hour before we really had to get up. The only reason why we didn't go back to sleep was because Nathan was groaning about a headache he had from his hangover.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't drink vodkah." Aiden snapped irritably as he handed Nathan some of Alex's black coffee. Nathan muttered something about being sorry before he downed the entire glass.

Since we had Aiden's truck on hand, we all took a little extra time to get ready. Which was fine by me since I felt really tired and really snappish. We were all silent as Aiden drove us to school, which wasn't terribly surprising since all of us kept on yawning. I really regretted not fallowing my mother's orders.

We got to school earlier then usual, so for the most part we just hung out in the cafeteria. At some point, I had fallen asleep, but thankfully Ame had woken me up when it was time to go.

The school day came and went with relitve ease. Bradon and Jessica were still assholes, but I learned how to keep my temper a little bit better so I wouldn't be so tempted to throw them across the field. That, and I had Ame to hold me back as a last resort.

Once my last period of the day ended, I almist walked out the door and headed home, but Ame grabbed my shoulder and reminded me that I had Basketball. With that, we both walked to the small gym, where Nathan and Barnes were already waiting for us. When I walked in, Nathan gave me a smile, and I felt my heart leap with joy. I was making progress, faster the I had expected. Barnes just glared at me from the side, but again, I just ignored him. It was three by the time everyone was suited up and ready.

"Alright everyone, hi and welcome to the first real practice of the day. Today, we're gonna teach you the rules before we set up a practice game." Nathan announced. Usually when a teacher announces rules, I tune it out until its over, but since this was Nathan and a game I've never really played before, I paid keen attention. Once Nathan finished up explaining the rules, I felt like I knew the game a little bit better.

"Everyone got that?" He asked. Most of us nodded in agreement. The others didn't put in their input. Nathan gave us all a smile and a look of relief in his eyes. I couldn't help but wonder why. Maybe we were learning faster then last year's team?

"Good. Now, let's play a round or two. Sorcha, Jessie, Mark, Tylor and Jacob, you're all on one team. Nina, Ashton, Alex, Pheobe and Freddy, you're on the other team. Sorry, Jack and Mira, I'll let you play next round." Nathan said. With his words, my team and the opposing team got on the court. For the most part, it looked like the teams where pretty well split up. Well, maybe if I wasn't on one side it might be. The opposing team kept on giving me angry looks, as if they were all planning my murder.

"Hold on, Nathan. I don't think Sorcha should play." Barnes pipped up.

"Why not?" Nathan asked. Barnes looked over at me, another angry glare my way.

"Because this set up is unfair. Sorcha is naturally stronger, faster and more nimble then the rest. The other side doesn't really have a fair chance." Barnes explained. In a way, I could see his point, even though it wasn't really my fault.

"So, what do you suggest we do? Have Sorcha sit on the sides? I don't think that's smart, since then she wouldn't get in any real practice. Besides, it'd be good for the rest of the team. If they have to go against someone who's already better then them, then the only thing they could do is improve." Nathan rebutted. Barnes seemed to mull over his words for a moment. Finally, he let out a defeated sigh.

"Oh, all right." Barnes grumbled, looking unhappy that he had lost this fight. Nathan looked rather smug with himself, but it quickly faded and turned into a look if seriousness. He grabbed a hold of a nearby basketball and threw it in the court, blowing the silver whistle that was around his neck, signalling to start. I wasted no time in swiping the ball, dribbling it to the other side. Suddenly, nearly the entire other team was on me, trying to stop me as quickly as possible. With my keen eyesight and quick reflexes, I managed to spot an opening and I took it, making the entire other team trip up. Once I got within a good range of the hoop, I made a shot. It went clean in and I heard a buzzer, announcing my win. I glanced over to Nathan, who stood their wide eyed.

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