Chapter 50

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A loud bang woke me up, making me jump in fright. My eyes flew open, and I found myself still in the cage they threw me in. I appeared to be on a truck bed, and Ame's cage was right in front of me. She still was passed out from the tranquilizers.

"Come on men! Get these monsters into their cages, ASAP!" I heard Barnes bark. I looked around, trying to find him. Through a bar I saw him in his complete uniform, pointing at something I couldn't see. Before he could see me looking, I laid flat again and pretended to still be knocked out. It seemed to work.

The first thing I noticed about my cage was that it was just barely large enough to lay down. I couldn't even sit. Not like I could figure it out while bound out up like this.

I winced with every tiny movement I made, my whole body throbbing in pain. I just wanted these damn bindings off and this stupid muzzle off my face. It felt like everything was cutting into my scales.

My wings were the worst. I felt dried blood on my back, and searing pain throughout my back. I felt the bindings cut into my wounds, both soothing the pain and adding to it. 

I was forced to watch as they put Ame into a nearby cell, pulling her out while she was still knocked out by using a claw like machine to drag her inside. Once she was in, I saw a blue energy flicker on, completely blocking the entrance. She stirred in her sleep a little, but I couldn't see if she had woken up since we started moving again. 

Right next to her cell was one much smaller. I assumed that one was for me because it was so tiny compared to the other ones they put the other Kaiju in. Speaking of Kaiju, I was a little bit surprised that they hadn't started assaulting my mind with questions. Then again that might be seen as very rude especially since I'm royalty to them. Granted that hasn't stopped them before. 

When they stopped in front of the cell, I had to stay as still as possible as they lowered my cage down to the ground. I squeaked in surprise when I felt someone roughly grab one of my bindings before throwing me inside. The air was knocked out of my lungs when I felt my side hit the hard ground. I laid there, dazed, as I heard the soft hum of the force field turn on. Blinking and trying to fight unconsciousness, I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw a hand like machine in front of my face. I let out a frightened squeak and tried to get away, but before I could react one of the machines pinned me down as two more extended from the walls. I wiggled and tried to fight off the machines, but to my surprise they just undid my bindings before disappearing back into some panels on the walls. 

Tentatively, I began to stand up as my eyes darted around to detect any potential threats. I didn't see any immediately, but that didn't mean I dropped my guard. If anything, it made me even more on edge because I had no idea if something was just going to pop out and attack. The whole area had a strange air of wrongness, and it made every hair on my body stand on end and my tail flick defensively. 

Ame? Are you awake? I called out to my guardian. As soon as I tried, I was shocked to see that my mind felt oddly closed. It uneased me to no end, and I tried to swallow down panic as the thought of me never being able to mentally communicate with her rose from the back of my mind. I wasn't sure why I was reacting to this, since I had gone through most of my life without telepathy, but my Kaiju side seemed to think that I was losing a vital part of myself. 

Sorcha?  I heard her answer. I held back a laugh of relief, but I made it very clear to her that I was happy that she was conscious. I sensed pain from her, but I kind of figured that was mutual. 

Are you okay? For this situation, anyways. I quickly added. 

Well, we're not dead so that's a plus. She said, trying to lighten up the mood. I cracked a smile, and I was a little sad that she couldn't see it because of the wall that's separating us. I had to blink a few moments since I realized that I had be staring at the walls. 

That's true. Did they take off your bindings? I asked, hoping that they did. I felt her press her mind against mine a little closer, and I was surprised when I could almost feel her body like it was my own. I could feel every cut on her legs, face, and chest that the KADT had inflicted on her. I could feel pressure on my face again, knowing that it was a similar muzzle to the one I had been wearing minutes ago. Her biggest injury was at her shoulder, where she had caught a bullet for me. It was causing her throbbing soreness, but as long as she focused on me she seemed to be able to ignore it. 

It seems like they hurt you the most. How are your injuries? She asked. I winced at her mentioning them, trying to shove my pain to the back of my mind. 

Raw and bleeding. They put on the bindings too tight and it crushed my scales, everything hurts and I think my wings are broken. I admitted, knowing that she could tell if I'm lying to her. I could hear her whimper from the other side, a sense of guilt filling her and making her chest feel tight. I frowned, feeling angry that she was feeling guilty over something she couldn't control. I wasn't really angry at her, but more at the circumstances we were in and what had lead up to this. 

Ame, don't feel guilty. You did your best to protect me. Luck just wasn't on our side today. But I doubt we'd be in here for long, knowing father and the others. I tried to reassure her. It didn't seem to work.  

Thank you for trying to make me feel better, but I can't help but feel like I could have done more to protect you. If I had sensed danger coming sooner, I would have taken you to your father for protection. That, and I'm supposed to give you emotional support, not the other way around. I'm just a sorry excuse for a Guardian...
Her words trailed off, and I sensed her ears dropping as she laid down. 

You're not a sorry excuse for a Guardian! You just haven't have the chance to grow into your new role! I wouldn't be surprised when we grow older you'll be the best Guardian around! I said with confidence. There was no doubt in my mind that she'll be amazing she just needs some more time. Besides, if she hadn't reacted things could be so much worse; like the two of us dead.

I shuddered at the thought, not because I realized that I had narrowly escaped the Grim Reaper, but because I realized that if we had died we might have sparked a second Monster War. I knew both sides where still weak from the previous war, but I knew that, just from the first war, that the results would be devastating. I wasn't sure if the results would be fixable. Sure, it might be two years too late, but it might be on the same scale people where thinking that the Mayan's where talking about with their calendar. 

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