Chapter 17 (Ame)

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I ran as fast as I could. Aiden had taken his truck, so he had a good head start. That didn't stop me from sprinting right up hill towards the house he shared with his sister and little brother. I skid around gravel filled road corners and used my arm and momentum to swing around street lights. I pulled out my phone, clicking it on to check the time as the sun was nearly gone. It was ten to five.

   Bastard better appreciate the fifteen minutes it took me to get there. I slowed to a jog on Aiden's street, and to a very slow walk by his run down, teal blue house. I stopped in his driveway, doubling over and putting my hands on my knees as I gasped for air. "Okay...maybe...guh...not my smartest...idea yet." I heaved to myself, chuckling at my own stupidity. Despite this, I looked up. His truck was here. Good, I was worried he'd go on one of his soulful drives, blasting sad mix tapes to the point I'd have to search the neighborhood for the boy in the nice truck sobbing to 5 Seconds Of Summer.

Yes, this has happened before. No, it wasn't a pleasant sight.

   I made my way up his rotted wood porch steps and stood at the door. Okay, deep breath girl, you can do this. One knock.


Third times the charm?

Maybe not, better do four.

Then I waited. If I hadn't been paying attention, I wouldn't have heard the irritated "go away." "Aiden. Please, it's Ame. Can you open the door?" I didn't get an answer, so I continued. "You got about five seconds before I steal the key on the door frame." I snapped. A few seconds passed, and the door opened. "You're not tall enough to reach it." Aiden said with a chuckle, despite the glassy eyes and shaky voice. I tried to smile, but it must've looked sad. "We need to talk, Aiden." The dreaded words everyone's heart shrunk at hearing. His eyes widened, but even he knew not to argue. He stepped aside. I walked in, and looked immediately to the couch. A pillow was collapsed in on itself against one arm. I heard him shut the door. Without a word, I walked over to the pillow, and ran my fingers across the wrinkled fabric.It was damp. "You were crying." I stated matter of factly. Aiden practically shook the floor with his flinch. "N-No way. I'm not crying over that punk ass." He snapped, voice trembling. I turned to him. "That's not true." I pointed out. "...w-what?"

   "That's not true Aiden. Don't lie to me." I managed to get a bit of disappointment in my tone. He was silent. "Don't say you don't love Nathan. You've been with him since you were thirteen. And you've crushed on him since you were six." I said, knowing it's true. He was still holding a straight face.

Wait, no.

   His lip quivered first. Eye twitched to try and capture the tears. He bit his bottom lip slightly, eyes narrowing and head lowering. His shoulders tensed. "Sit down." I said gently. Aiden slumped hard, breathing getting more labored the longer he held it in. He said one thing before he broke down. "What've I done...?" He gasped, before a sob tore through his throat and he let out an anguish filled cry, ending it with a shuddering breath and the twin rivers down his face. "You hurt Nathan, but he hurt Sorcha. You did it for her. But no one is to really blame, Aiden!" I told him. His big navy eyes looked up at me. "B-but...I shoved him...I h-hurt Nathan!" He shouted the last bit, his body shivering. I frowned. "Maybe how you did things wasn't the best way of doing it. But it may not have been the worst either. But what it is, is done. Nothing will change that. You can go on. Apologize. Make up." I whispered the last two words to him. He still looked ready to cry for awhile, so I did what Mama Rainy does best. I pulled the two blankets on the back of his couch around him. I cocooned him in those fuzzy blankets, and he just sniffed pitifully and hid his face in the fabric. Judging him to be good, and went to the kitchen off shooting into a different room.

And went straight to the freezer. I grabbed both the double fudge brownie tub of ice cream, and the chocolate vanilla tub. I scooped one bowl of each, and stuck a spoon in the fudge tub. Hey, my boy was in the other room sobbing over an almost break up with the love of his life. He needs chocolate ice cream and lots of it. Taking the chocolate vanilla bowl for myself, I put the other bowl and the remaining tub in the freezer. You'll see why that other bowl is there later. Taking my bowl and the tub into the living room. Aiden looked up. "W-what's that?" He sniffled. I smiled, handing it to him while I found the remote. "Just eat it." I laughed, starting up Netflix. He didn't argue, just spooned a chunk of fudge into his mouth. "We're gonna watch mean girls. Hard to cry when you're laughing so hard." I announced as I slumped against his large, blanket encased form. He just vaguely nodded, eating more ice cream.

   When Sorcha burst into the house, we were just laughing as Regina George snapped "boo, you whore." Aiden yelped and flailed for the remote to pause the movie, and I looked up with a spoon in my mouth. "Aiden!" A familiar voice called. Sorcha let the small-framed boy down, and he rushed over. I jumped out of the way just in time to miss being jump hugged by the sixteen year old. "Nathan...?" Aiden gasped, twisting to face the other. "I'm so sorry for being such an ass!" Nathan wailed. Aiden frowned. "I should apologize. I pushed you." He whispered. "It's okay." Nathan smiled. "I'm tough. I can take it." He finished. Aiden smiled. "Yeah...I guess you are." He said sweetly. Sorcha scooted up next to me, elbowing my side. "Hug or kiss?" She whispered. I smirked. "Why not both?" I chirped, and on Cue, we both shook our hands left and right and gave embarrassingly bad impressions of Mexican music.

The duo before us looked at us oddly. "What're you two doing?" Aiden asked in amusement. I laughed. Just then, Nathan spoke, as he stared at the tub of ice cream in Aiden's grasp. "...can I have some?" He asked. Aiden frowned, and pointedly ate some without giving it to Nathan. "Hold on, got you covered." I said quickly, speeding to the freezer and grabbing the bowl of double fudge. Told you I had my reasons. "Here ya go, bud." I said in a cheery voice, handing Nathan the bowl. He squeaked happily, digging in. "Well, we should be going." I finally said, turning to leave. "I want some..." I heard Sorcha mutter. I groaned, grabbing her arm. "I SAID, we'll be going!" I said, taking off out the door, shutting it with my foot once I had Sorcha out the door. The rain had stopped, and we walked calmly down the street to our houses. Sorcha snorted, glancing at me bemusedly. "Teddy bear?" She laughed, remembering my name as Nathan broke down. I punched her arm, but I was the one who hissed and shook my hurt hand out. "Don't you laugh. It was a childhood name." I managed to giggle. Sorcha rolled her eyes, but kept a smile on her scaly face as we walked on.

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