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 "Take your crosses. I'll live without them. Standing wet in holy rain. When you were baptized. Ignored the problem. That's when I watched you seal your grave. I tried to save you. But let you drink the pain. A final song now we both know. So I'm not givin' up. Won't let you suffocate me. You find your hell is home. I don't owe you anything. You'll only die a dream forgotten. I've got my pride so hear me sing. I'll never let you steal my coffin."
I woke up from my new alarm clock song, Coffin by Black Veil Brides. The Disasterology one wasn't what I wanted. I pushed myself out of the bed and to my closet. I pulled out a Black Veil Brides t-shirt, some ripped skinny jeans, and some Black Veil Brides shoes. I took a shower and brushed my hair. I put a bow in the back. The bow was a skull one that's blue. I then did my makeup. I finished up and grabbed my new Black Veil Brides bag that Samantha sent me yesterday. She said to use the bags she sent for now on, so I will, I was using them anyway...
I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and walked out of the house. I started eating my apple.
"Hey Amber." Jade said, walking toward me. I swallowed my bite of apple.
"Hi." I said. I then threw the rest of the apple, which was half of it, in a person's trash that was out for trash pickup.
"You only ate half of it..." Jade trailed. I shrugged my shoulders.
"So? I don't like eating much." I said, a bit annoyed.
"Anorexic?" Jade asked. I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know." I said. I walked ahead of her, into the school. I walked to my locker and took out my books I needed and put my bag in the locker. I closed my locker and turned to be met with the faces of Savannah, Taylor, Erica, and Hailey. They gave me a snody smirk.
"Can I go through please?" I asked with a bit of an attitude.
"Hmmm, how about no." Taylor said. Then Hailey pushed me so my back hit the locker.
"We're gonna teach you a lesson on why you don't come to our school dressed like that." Savvanah said with a smirk, which made me twitch my eye at her. The hell??
"It's a free country, I can dress whatever way I like. Anyways you dress like a slut, at least I don't let my boobs pop out. So, why don't you and your little bitches, f0off?" I asked. Savannah randomly clapped once. I gave her a weird look.
I understood once they came in view. She called in her pathetic boyfriend and his friends.
"She's all yours babe." Savannah said. She and her 'pets' walked off and left me against a locker with four guys who are on the football team in front of me, about to beat the living fudge out of me. What a perfect day. Note the sarcasm.
"I heard what you called my girlfriend." One of them said. Savannah's boyfriend....Drake.
"So? It's the truth. She's a slut. She wears low necked shirts to show off her fake boobs and she wears short shorts to show off her fat as." I said. I then felt pain in my nose. I blinked and realized that he hit me.
"What. The. Hell." I said plainly. He smirked. Then he lunged again. I felt the pain in my stomach now. I winced. He lunged again, and I closed my eyes. I waited for pain, but it didn't happen, instead I heard a voice.
"Stop messing with her." Someone said. I opened my eyes to see Jasper face-to-face with Drake.
"Why should I, Freak?" Drake asked.
"She doesn't need to be bullied, when she's abused." Jasper said. My eyes went wide. H-how did he know?
"She's abused? Ha! Even her parents don't like her." Drake said.
"My mother is a drunk, she abuses me because she's drunk and divorced." I said to him.
"And I should care? Ha! You're worthless." Drake said.
"Leave her alone Drake and Miles and I will kick your ass." Jasper said. Drake put his hands up.
"Fine we're done...for now." Drake said as his friends and him walked off.
"Thanks." I said to Jasper.
"You're part of the group now, we stick up for each other." Jasper said. I nodded.
"So, how did you know about me being abused?" I asked.
"You had bruises before and you don't talk about your mother much. I just guessed." Jasper said. I nodded. Jasper then put his finger over my eye making me wince a bit.
"Where else did he hit?" Jasper asked.
"Stomach, but I'm okay. I'll go check the injuries in the girl's bathroom." I said. I started to walk off to the bathroom. I walked in and looked at my eye. I could see the black eye forming. I sighed. I then looked at my stomach, ignoring the scars, there was a bruise forming. I sighed again. I then walked of to my second class as the bell rung.


I sat down under the tree next to Jade. I took a bite of my apple.
"Jasper told us what happened." Jade simply said. I nodded and swallowed my apple. My stomach started hurting. I groaned and put my tray down.
"Aren't you gonna eat your food?" Pierce asked. I shook my head.
"I'm not hungry." I said.
"You only ate half an apple this morning and a bite of apple now. That less than an apple this whole day." Jade pointed out. I shrugged my shoulders.
"I'm not hungry, okay?" I said annoyed. I haven't been as hungry as I was when my sister was alive. I hate having a depressed-forced anorexia.
"Okay...." Jade said. The bell rang and we walked into the school and into our next class. The teacher noticed my black eye, which was fully formed, and noticed other injuries and sent me to the nurse office. The nurse asked me if anything but my eye hurt, and I mentioned my stomach. She had me lay down on the cold hard mats in her office. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
When I woke, school was letting out. I got up and got my stuff. I walked out of the school and walked home. I walked into my house.
"There you are! You little whore!" Mom yelled. She came up to me and started her daily beatings. Don't worry, I'm used to it. Wow, that's really sad. I'm used to being beaten everyday....pathetic.

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