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"I registered you at Bringswood Academy," My father said while we were at the dining table. We were eating spaghetti, and he spoke after a long silence.
"An academy?" I held back the urge to spit my food out. He nodded. "With uniforms? And rich snobby people?"
"Amber," He sighed. "Not all academies are filled with snobby people. Lana goes to a academy for elementary students. She's not snobby." I frowned.
"But, uniforms?" I said. He nodded. I bit my lip, feeling the lip stud I had against my tongue. "What kind?"
"Black skirt, or pants, and a black blazer over a white shirt. Your shoes must be black." He said. He noticed my tattoos Savannah forced me to get and continued. "You'll need to take out your piercings, only ears are allowed and they must be studs. And you'll need to cover up your ink and holes with foundation."
"So much work," I groaned. He shrugged and smiled.
"Shoulda thought before getting them." He chuckled. I frowned and held back the urge to admit I was forced. He doesn't need to know about anything dealing with the operation.
"Uh, so shoes. I'll need some because mine aren't all black." I said. My father nodded.
"They should be calling tomorrow to announce your start date and your courses. We'll also go to a uniform store." He said I nodded and we spent the rest of the meal time eating in silence.

*** "Ew no," I said with a laugh. My father put down the black mini heeled shoes and picked up black flats. "Nope." I then noticed black combat boots and I rushed to them and looked at the size. 8. Perfect! "These!" My father chuckled and rolled his eyes. He took the boots and put them in the basket. So far we had four black blazers, two black dress pants, two dress skirts, four white dress shirts, some white socks, and the boots. All I really needed.
"That wasn't that bad," I commented. My father nodded and we went to buy them. The price scarred me, as it was over $100. But my father paid it like it was only $20.
We stopped off for some expensive skin cream stuff that completely covered tattoos and piercing holes. We then grabbed something to eat. It was simple Mongolian noddles. We ate them then decided to leave the mall and head home, since Lana would be coming home from school.

The phone rang as soon as my father got back from getting Lana from the bus stop. He rushed to pick it up and went to his study. I heard him say my name and say okay before he hung up and came back out.
"You start tomorrow, surprisingly." My father said. I nodded and he went to his printer which was printing out my schedule my new school faxed to him. It included directions to the school. My father gave them to me. "They'll give you your school badge and parking permission badge tomorrow." *** School. An academy. Uniforms. Preppy rich classmates. I was not looking forward to going today. But I had to in order to stay with my father; his orders. And so I woke up at five-thirty in the morning and took a quick shower, got dressed, applied some makeup, then walked out and to the kitchen. My father was making some pancakes and hash browns while my younger sister watched. She noticed me and grinned.
"Good morning," she chirped.
"Morning," I spoke back to her. My father portioned the food onto three plates and we all sat down. But instead of eating like I should; I pushed everything around on my plate.
"Do you want syrup?" Lana asked, pointing to the brown liquid in a large container. I shook my head and took a bite of hash browns for their sake. And I was lucky, because before I was pressured into eating more food; my father realized we had to go. He told us to leave our plates as he rushed me to get my keys so I could drive myself to school, and he rushed to get Lana fully ready to walk to the bus stop.
"Enter the address right there in your phone and you'll get there. Have fun and don't get in trouble." He spoke quickly, pointing at the address then heading to the door. I nodded and he walked with Lana out the door. I grabbed my backpack and entered the address into my phone. i made sure to take the faxed paper from the school as I left the house, locking it up.

It was weird being in the office as a new student at a school once again. But this lady was nice and polite as she offered to give me a tour. She showed me the library, the cafeteria, the auditorium, and my classes; ending with my first class of the day. We had taken up twenty minutes of block one so she knocked on the door.
"This is Amber Willows, she's a new student." The lady told the man, my teacher, who nodded.She bid me farewell before leaving to go fill out paperwork.
"Miss Willows, I am Mr. Jefferson; you're math teacher. Would you like to share something about yourself?" He asked. My sister committed suicide and I thought I was her and somehow I hurt the boy I love. "How about it, hmm?"
"O-oh! My favorite color is black?" I responded, awkwardly. The class laughed and the teacher chuckled but nodded and assigned me a seat. I walked to it, hoping the day would end fast. I just really needed to hurry up and graduate, so I could be done with school.

Lunch came by fast but I still hadn't befriended anyone, and I wasn't bothered by anyone. That was good because I was done with high school queen bees and drama. I just wanted to live the next two months in peace and quiet then graduate and go on a road trip. One that'll take me far away to forget Savannah and Pierce and all that shitty drama that I caused.
"This seat taken?" A feminine voice from behind me asked. I was seated at an empty two seater table and I was facing the wall so I didn't see whoever it was. I shook my head and they sat down across from me. It was a girl with long natural-black hair with brown sparkly eyes. She was gorgeous, just like my ex friends. "You're new? I came here at the start of the year, but I'm still a loner...sorta."
"Today's my first day." I responded.
"That sucks, how do you like it here so far?" She hadn't exchanged her name so she was still nameless girl to me.
"Boring...but quiet." I responded. "Which is nice...I'm Amber, by the way."
"Evanelle...or just Evan." She grinned, showing a set of slightly crooked and slightly coffee-stained teeth before she quickly closed her mouth. "I don't really know anyone here but I know a girl from a school in Georgia. She's all I really hangout with."
"I came from Georgia," I spoke, without thinking.
"Cool! Where from?" I knew I couldn't avoid the question but I stalled it by taking a few bites of the french fries I got, my stomach feeling unsettled, and a large gulp of sweet tea. "So?"
"Eastwood High School." I said, finally.
"Oh, Danielle went to Camden High School." Evan said. I mentally sighed in relief that it wasn't someone who went to Eastwood. Evan took a drink of her milk and a bite of her fries. I don't know what I'd do if her friend knew what happened. It'd spread here and I'd be messed with again. I just want peace and quiet, that's all. Nothing more and nothing less.
"But," Evan said, swallowing her food. "She recently moved and I forgot the name she said...let me check." She pulled out her phone, not even caring since phones were allowed during break, and she scrolled on it.
It was awhile of watching her scroll before she stopped and concentrated on the screen for a minute or two. Then she locked her phone and put it away.
"Just as I thought." She said.

A/N Finally an update! Sorry for the long wait. I just didn't feel inspired but now I do! There's going to be a time skip coming soon possibly :P and a few more chapters. Hope you enjoyed!

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