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          Pierce drove me back to his home and I hurried into my room, ignoring his calls for me. I still did betray him. As soon as I get revenge on Savannah, I will run away. I'll let him live his life alone, and let him be happy...


The doctor advised me not to go to school for awhile, but I couldn't stay cooped up in my room any longer. I spent the weekend in there, refusing to eat, let alone speak. I was trying to figure out how in the world Savannah knew. What if...I did tell her but I forgot about it? What if she was stalking me...?
The weekend went slow, it was filled with pain from my injuries that had yet to heal. And it was filled with tears and self-reflecting on myself. Pierce and his foster mother kept trying to lure me out of my room, but I didn't follow through.
As soon as I woke up Monday morning, I took a quick shower and dressed in simple jeans and a Ghost Town tee. I did quick and simple eyeliner and lipstick then put on my shoes. I grabbed my keys and my bag with y phone. I left my bedroom, closing the door and headed downstairs.
"Amber," Pierce spoke from his doorway as I was halfway down the stairs. "Listen to me." I turned my head and looked at him.
"What?" I snapped. He frowned before speaking.
"Where are you going?" He asked. "You're not going to school...are you?" He had a hint of worry in his voice but I simply shrugged and turned my head forward and started back downstairs. "You're supposed to be resting!" Pierce exclaimed, following after me.
"Yeah, and I'm not supposed to be here." I simply replied. I headed into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I went to walk out of the kitchen, but Pierce stopped me.
"You have every right to be here." He said. "Look, I don't fully understand what's going on, but I do know that you need to rest."
"I need to freaking find out how Savannah got your secrets!" I snapped before muttering to myself. "I need to know that I didn't do it and forgot..."
"There's enough time for that-" I cut him off.
"There isn't!" I raised my voice. "The group hates me, you probably still hate me. Everyone hates me. I even hate myself." I nudged him out of my way and left the kitchen, heading out the front door. I unlocked my car and hopped in, quickly buckling in before I turned the car on. I pulled out of the driveway and headed down the street.
I arrived to school pretty quickly, and I parked the nearest empty lot and turned off the car. I got out, grabbed my stuff, and closed the door before locking the car. I put my keys in my purse and started walking toward the entrance of the school. Students who were sitting outside stared as I neared the doors. They whispered to their friends, speaking of everything that happened this past month. I ignored them and walked inside school, heading to Savannah's locker. She was standing at her locker, gossiping with her robots.
She caught sight of me and sneered. "What are you ding here, lying freak?" She hissed. I gave her a forced smile and grit my teeth and slapped her.
"What the hell?!" She screeched when I pulled my hand back.
"How the hell did you find out?" I hissed. "Did you spy on me?"
She chuckled then pulled out her phone. She tapped something in and smirked. Then she turned the phone to me. It was a video.
"What is this?" I asked before she hit play. It showed Savannah checking the bathroom stalls before she looked at me. There was no audio, so it just showed us talking. Right in the corner of the video was the exact date she told everyone that I was a liar.
"Everyone seen it by now, Amber-or should I say Cecelia!" Savannah sneered in victory. She framed me.
"I didn't tell you anything! That was me saying I wasn't going to!" I hissed. "You're the lying whore here!"
The next thing I felt was a burning sensation on my cheek, along with a piercing feeling. She slapped me and scratched me. Her nails dug deep into my cheek and after I thumped onto the cold ground, I put my hand to the spot. It stung as I touched it, and I pulled my hand to see blood.
"What is going on here?" A nearby teacher demanded an answer.
"Oh, she started it." Savannah said. It wasn't exactly a lie. "She hit me first."
"You both are coming with me to the principal's office." The teacher ordered. I got up by myself and the teacher dragged us both to the office.

*** I was sent home. Since I drove home, I had to drive back. Savannah got a warning, her millionth warning. Figures. Stupid teacher, and stupid principal.
"What the hell Amber?!" Pierce barged into my room and shouted. "First I hear you're sent home for attacking Savannah, then I get a text of a video with you and Savannah chit chatting in the bathroom...the day you were supposed to give her our secrets!"
"It was of me telling her I wouldn't give them to her!" I defended myself. "Plus she's the one who freaking scratched my cheek opened." I pointed to the bandage on my cheek.
"I just can't believe you Amber," Pierce said. "What if you made yourself believe you didn't give her the secrets because you felt guilty?!"
"Pierce-" He cut me off.
"Don't 'Pierce' me! I'm done with your bullshit." He hissed. "I'm done with you and your lies." And then he left my room, slamming the door. y heart broke into two as I stared at the door. He hates me.
"I couldn't make things right...." I said out loud. "I'm sorry, Cece...I failed you..."
I grabbed my bag and filled it with my clothes. I didn't have much stuff so I only needed two bags of mine. I looked at my desk, noticing the necklace Pierce gave me. It was taken off when I was hospitalized...so he must have put it here. I decided to leave it. He'd give it to someone he loves, someone prettier and better than me.
I grabbed my keys and snuck out of my room. Music leaked from Pierce's room, but I snuck by and headed downstairs. Thank goodness Pierce's foster mother wasn't home. I left the house and got into my car, throwing my bags into the back. I buckled up and put the key in, turning it to start the car.
Then I left.A/N Sorry for the long wait! This may have ore chapters than I originally thought! ;D Hope you enjoyed!

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