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          A week passed as I stayed at Pierce's to be bed-rested and healed up. Our friends came over and visited after school everyday. Although I did have to stay alone, since Pierce had to go to school.
It felt nice to rest and be safe. It was relaxing.
I was able to get up and walk a little, but I still needed to rest and not put too much strain on walking. Pierce and his foster mother only allowed me to walk to the bathroom and to Pierce's room. They insisted they get me food and stuff from downstairs. I gave in, after quite a bit of slight arguing.

Pierce got home awhile ago, but he caved himself into his room after seeing if I was good. It was unusual...seeing as he had been watching movies with me after school every day.
I didn't want to get into his space, but it was just plain out weird of him. His foster mother wasn't home. She left after he arrived.
I decided to go see him.
As I walked out of my assigned room, I could hear his music playing from his room. I knocked on the door but there was no response. I wrinkled my eyebrows and opened his door a bit, to check that he wasn't changing or anything. Nothing, and nobody was in the room. Empty.
I walked right in the room. His side bathroom's light was on, but the door was closed. I closed his door and walked over to the bathroom.
"Pierce?" I called out. No response. I knocked on the door, but there still was no response. I heard noises that sounded like...crying? I went to turn the knob but it was locked.
"Pierce," I called out again.
"Go away," His muffled sobs escaped.
"Open the door Pierce," I demanded. His sobs grew and I heard the sound of something dropping. It rattled, like a pill bottle. A pill bottle....? Shit. "Open the door, please."
"N-no," He sobbed. "I-I don't w-want you to s-see me like this."
"Please, Pierce." I begged, my emotions spiked and my voice was filled with slight cracks. "Please."
"No, y-you'll be disgusted..." Pierce sobbed. "You'll l-leave."
"I won't," I promised. "I promise."
The knob moved and stopped moving. I heard a shuffling sound. I twisted it again, and it was unlocked. I opened the door to see Pierce sitting in the corner, there was small drops of blood on the white tiles. There was a bottle of pills strewn across the floor, the pills all over. And he held a bloody razor over his bloody wrist.
"Oh my god," I gasped.
"A-amber," Pierce whimpered.
"Y-you were going to do it. You were going to k-kill yourself." I softly spoke. His tear-filled eyes met my eyes. His pain reflected toward me, causing me to wince a little.
"I can't take it anymore, Amber." He sobbed. "It's too much."
My knees weakened and I collapsed in front of him. I took the bloody razor from him, and it felt familiar, too familiar for some reason. I set the razor on the counter and cleaned up the pills, putting them away and on the counter. I stood up and grabbed some paper towels and bandages before sitting next to him.
I began cleaning up his cuts, as he winced each time I patted the blood off. I wrapped his arm up in bandages then threw it all away.
I hugged him, not saying anything. He rested his head on my lap as he sobbed, and I felt tears sneak out of my eyes. I rubbed his back and head to soothe him.
"I just can't take it Amber. I can't take all the bullying, the knowledge that everyone hates me, that my family died. And that I was put into abusing foster homes." Pierce cried. "I can't take it...no one cares."
"You're wrong Pierce. People care." I said. "I care. I care about you."
He looked at me and stared into my watery eyes.
"If you did it...I would be ripped up even more than how I am with my mother." I softly whispered. "I'd rather you be alive and healthy, then have the abuse stop. I care about you Pierce."

If you care so much, why are you following out what Savannah said? Why are you telling him you care when you're going to end up hurting him? Why Cecelia? You don't know? You don't know?? You are selfish! You care more about being safe at school than your new friends! How pathetic! You're just a lying bitch like your mother says. And you know what, Amber? You aren't a bitch, you just want to live so you can continue living your sister's life, but it'll hurt others feelings. Remember, Amber, whatever you do, it'll come right back and bite you in the ass.

I continued comforting Pierce as I thought. After this, I was going to go back to being me...so why would I want to live just to continue living my sister's life when I won't be Amber?


 "Thank you..." Pierce said as he sat up. He stared into my eyes. His eyes were red and puffy.

"It's okay Pierce. It's what friends are for-to comfort." I softly said with a smiled. He smiled back.
"I've never had someone comfort me...and I've had many-" He cut himself off with a frown. I knew he didn't want to continue, so I didn't judge him.
"When you feel comfortable, you can tell me." I said. "I'm here to listen, always." He nodded and I stood up.
"Let's get you to bed," I said. I helped him up and he leaned on me as we walked into his room. I helped him lay on his bed and then I turned to go. He grabbed my wrist lightly.
"Can you stay with me tonight?" He asked. I hesitated but nodded. I laid nest to him on the bed and he turned the light off. The glow in the dark stars shined in the dark. Even though they added some in my room, I liked his better.
"I'm sorry," Pierce whispered.
"Don't apologize." I said. "I'm here for you...like you are for me." I was referencing to the fact he had his foster mother let me stay here. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
"It'll get better with you Amber." Pierce said. I shrugged.
"Well, goodnight." I said.
"Goodnight Amber," He replied.
As I drifted off into sleep, I heard him distantly say something.
AND! I am making this into a series called Operations.
This is book one.
Book two is Befriend An Emo.
Book three will be Fake A Suicide.
Book four (and the last I plan so far) is Become Popular.
There are less than ten chapters left!! I may write more today :P

Oh! Go to my profile and in a reading list is the official books for Operations. So favorite them to have whenever they're written! (BAE [Book 2] will be rewritten!)

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