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        "Amber!" My mother shouted. "Bring us a new bottle!"
I walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and handed it to her.
"Such a good girl," She faked. "If only you were better." She poured her and Stan, her new boyfriend, glasses and they chugged it down.
I started walking away, going to go to my room when Stan spoke.
"We need some food." He said. When I turned he threw me his wallet. "I better get that back or else." I nodded.
I headed up to my room and threw on some clothes instead of my lying around ones. I walked back to the living room and grabbed the house keys and made sure I had my phone.
"Treat yourself, cupcake. You've been extra behaved, helping your sweet mother and I." He said, probably just wanted to have alone time with her. I walked out of the house and to my car. I hopped in, starting it up. The nearest store was about an hour walk so I would rather take a twenty minute drive.
I arrived at the outside mall-like set of stores. Mainly it was just Walmart, Game Stop, Kohls, and some restaurants. I parked in an empty space and got out, locking the car. I walked into Walmart, grabbed a cart, and headed to the food. I put some apples in a baggy and put it in my cart. I went to the chips and candy aisle. I got some chips, popcorn, candy, and pretzels. I then headed to the frozen meat and got some hamburger and hot dogs. I went to the dairy, got some milk, eggs, and cheese. I went to the sandwich area and got some lunch meat and bread. I then went to the bakery and got some donuts and cake. I then went to the beverages and got soda.
I was all done with the food, so I checked out and brought the stuff to the car. i loaded the car then put away the cart. Now something for me. And I do need to get Pierce something for his birthday...
I walked into Game Stop and looked at the games. I decided on getting the new Call of Duty game. I paid for it by Stan's credit card. They didn't question me, surprisingly. I then walked out and went into Kohls. I looked at some of the clothes, not really interested. I then shrugged and left the store. Remembering I wanted some more music, I went back into Walmart and grabbed a iTunes giftcard and then looked at the books. I checked my phone seeing it was 8 at night, and it was Sunday, so I went to the checkout and bought the giftcard. I left and got into my car, driving home. I got out and brought the groceries in then put them away. Stan and my mother were passed out on the living room floor, so I sat the wallet on the counter and wrote a note saying I got food and he had all his credit cards. I went up to my room and dressed in pajamas.
I then grabbed my laptop and logged on. I opened iTunes and clicked to the store. I entered the giftcard code and started buying music.


Morning time came fast, so I had to wake up and get ready for school. After a shower, I put on a black skater dress and some kitten tights. I put on some black flats and brushed out my hair. I put a white bow in the back and started on my makeup. I did winged eyeliner and put on some bright red lipstick. I finished up and looked at my reflection.
I look more like Amber every day... I sighed and grabbed my stuff. I walked out of my room, and grabbed an apple from the kitchen. I walked out of the house and took a bite of my apple. I actually started eating it as I walked. And by the time I reached school, I only had the core left. I saw Jade before walking in and showed it.
"There, I ate an apple." I said, throwing away the core. She gave me a frown before I walked in. I headed to my locker, hoping there would be no note like Friday. No one stopped chatting, and they paid no attention to me. I opened my locker and nothing came out. Good. I took my books out and put my stuff in. I headed to my first class, bumping into Pierce on the way.
"Hey..." He said.
"Hi." I replied.
"How are you?" He asked. I shrugged. "That's not an answer."
"I'm okay, alright?" I snapped a bit. He jumped back and muttered a 'jeez.' I walked ahead of him into the classroom. I sat down at my desk. A note then dropped on my desk from Erica. She sneered at me before turning away. I opened the note to see Savannah's curly letters.

Hurry on up or more piggy you will appear.

"What's that?" Alex said, grabbing the note.
"N-" She cut me off.
"Why in the world is Miss Queen Bee sending you this? Is she blackmailing you?" Alex asked me.
"It's nothing," I lied. Alex was going to continue but the teacher came in making her not able to continue.
"Okay, class, read whats on the board and figure out the mistakes." Mrs Kennedy said. It had the same things from the day this all started...
"Amber?" She called on me. "What is incorrect on the board?"
"It's supposed to be onomatopoeia, restaurant, and finickiness." I said, spelling out the words.
"Correct." She said.
"Nerd." Someone muttered from the front. Nerd...I'm not Cecelia...
After a long torturous eight hours of school, Pierce invited me over. Just me. I accepted and we headed to his house. When we arrived, we went upstairs and I jumped onto his bed.
"Whatcha wanna do?" I asked. He shrugged.
"How about a horror movie?" He asked.
"Sure," I replied. He grabbed a horror movie, which was Ouija. He turned on the television and the blue-ray player. He put the disc in and pressed menu. He clicked play and turned off the lights. The window was already covered by his shades, so it was dark. I looked at the ceiling to see the stars glowing. I then paid attention to watching the movie.

"That jump-scare was wow." I commented when the movie was over. Pierce chuckled and agreed.
"Expected it but it still made me jump." I said.
"And you were holding onto me the whole time." Pierce teased.
"Did not!" I argued, blushing.
"Did too~!" He argued back.
"Fine, but you enjoyed it." I teased him. He smirked.
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." He said. I nudged him. He nudged back making me fall from the bed. I grabbed onto his shirt, taking him with me. I landed on my back on his rugged floor. He landed on top of me. Awkward.
"Hey there, come her often?" He flirted with a smirk. My cheeks heated up.
"G-get off." I stuttered, trying to push him off. He rolled off of me.
"You're no fun, Amber." He joked. I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same.
"You act like a child," He commented.
"Rude, much?" I asked, joking.
"What do you want to do now?" He asked. I shrugged and looked at my phone's time. I cursed under my breath.
"I have to go home." I said.
"I'll take you." He offered.
"I'm good, kind of want to go alone." I said. He frowned but gave in. He walked me downstairs to the front door and we said our goodbyes. I then walked out and started heading home.
When I got there, I could hear yelling. I walked inside and seen the front room filled with stuff thrown around.
"Where's my wallet!" A yell went through the house. Stan walked into the front room and saw me. "Where is my wallet, bitch!?"
"It was on the counter." I replied. He grabbed my wrist tightly and dragged me to the kitchen. He pointed to the counter.
"There's no wallet!" He yelled.
"Then I don't know." I said. He slapped me, making me bite my lip and it start to bleed.
"I know you stole it! Probably used it to pay the men you sleep with, whore!" He yelled. He then pushed me, making me hit my head on the counter and fall to the ground. He kicked my stomach and head over and over until I passed out.

A/N Another chapter not from the original. Originally it skipped a week so I'm just gonna write several chapters instead, about one or two more that was in the original, then continue. This is the last until either I feel like updating after

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