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    I left town, with nothing more than my bag of clothes, my phone, and a couple twenties I had stashed away. I didn't plan to ever go back to that wretched town. And even though I don't know where I am going to go, I'd rather live on the road in my car than deal with Savannah and...having hurt Pierce.
So like the pathetic weak wimp I am, I left my troubles behind to start a new path.
I would drive to wherever my mind decided.


I pulled the car over to a gas station and fueled up. I finished and locked my car before going into the building. I grabbed a soda and a bag of pretzels and walked to the cashier.
"That'll be $30." The boy said in a monotone voice. My eyes widened a little at the cost then I nodded and handed over the money. "Have a superb day." There was a hint of sarcasm in the voice but I ignored it. I turned to leave but then turned back around. "Can I help you?"
"Um, yeah." I said. He gave me a look like "get on with it" so I quickly finished. "Where exactly are we located?"
"We're in the start of Jacksonville. Florida that is." The boy said. I nodded and thanked him before turning and heading out of the gas station. I unlocked my car and got in. I turned it on and pulled out of the way to a parking spot, so someone else could use the pump. I opened my soda and took a drink, the bubbly sweetness moistening up my dry mouth. I opened the bag of pretzels and took a bite. My eyes widened in realization and I choked on the pretzel.
It took me a minute to revive myself and I chugged down some soda to help. I then glanced at a road sign, seeing in fact I was in Jacksonville.
"Dammit brain," I muttered. "I don't think he'll want to see me..."
I shook my head and started the car, pulling out of the lot and back onto the road. I drove through the streets, heading to the house that I used to know.

I knocked on the door twice and patiently waited outside the door. I heard noises from inside before the door opened. In view was my little sister who hadn't seen me in the three years since my parents divorced.
"Amber?" She asked. "Yes Sweetie, it's me." I said.
"Who is it, Lana Banana?" The familiar voice of my father's asked. He appeared in the door way too and his eyes widened at my sight. "What are you doing here?"
"Dad," I said.
"Did your mother send you here for money?" My father asked with an angry tone. I shook my head. "You didn't hear?" I asked. He looked at me in confusion. "Hear what?" He replied.
"She's dead," I said. I looked at Lana sadly.
"When?" My father asked. I looked back up at him. "A month..." I said.
"Why wasn't I told?" He asked. I shivered from the breeze. "Um, the thing is-" I was cut off by my chattering and my dad sighed. "Come inside." He invited me. I nodded and he let me in, closing the door behind me. He led me to the dining room and he sat down. I sat down in suit and he gave me a look for me to answer.
"I was in a coma..." I admitted. His eyes widened. "So much has happened since you lost contact with us dad."
"What happened?" He finally had worry in his tone.
"Mom became an alcoholic. Cecelia...she killed herself... Mom took everything out on me, you know." I said. "The past few months, she had been hanging out with this guy who joined in. I went to the hospital several times. I bruised my ribs and broke my nose. I went into several comas. But then I left, and a month ago she died."
"What about being in a coma when that happened?" He asked.
"It was afterwards...I um..." I paused and looked at Lana. "Lana sweetie, can you go to your room?" She huffed but nodded and left. I looked back at my father and continued. "I attempted to kill myself."
"Holy shit, why?" My father shouted. "God dammit Amber."
"I couldn't take things and something terrible had just happened..." I said. "That's why I left...I've only been out of my coma for the weekend, dad."
"Are you serious? You should be resting!" He shouted. He used to be a nurse before he met my mother, and then he started teaching at a nearby college.
"I needed to leave," I said. "I'm fine. Not even that sore." Lies.
"You can stay here for awhile I guess," He said. "But you still have two months left of school, so I'll have to enroll you." I nodded and thanked him.
"I'll go figure out what school you're going to, while you go rest." He said. I hugged him for the first time in three years and smiled. I headed out of the living room to my old room. When I walked in, it was the same exact way it used to be. It's walls were baby blue with white clouds and the comforter on the bed was a dark blue.
"I missed you and Cecelia, you know..." My father said from behind me. He was carrying my bags in, which he must have grabbed from my unlocked car. I had the view of the front yard so I pulled out my keys and pressed the lock button in case.
"Why didn't you call?" I asked as he set the bags down.
"Your mother forbade me to," He said. I nodded and looked at him.
"Did you remarry?" I asked. He frowned.
"Yes, I did." He replied. I furrowed my eyebrows then stopped in realization.
"Did she-" He cut me off with a nod.
"Yes, she died a year ago. She developed cancer and it was a rare form." He replied. I hugged him.
"I'm sorry." I said. He shook his head.
"You would've loved her, as she would've loved you..." He said. "Now, rest up while I take care of your school stuff." I nodded and he left the room, turning the light off and closing the door. I pulled up the blankets and snuggled under them and closed my eyes.

A/N An update! Yayayay! :D

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