7: I Don't Want To Go Back

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-Skip To The End Of The Week aka everyone goes home-

"I don't want to go back to Wisconsin;" I say zipping my suitcase.

"I don't want to go back to Louisiana!" Aaron yells.

"I don't want to go to New Jersey!" Grayson says laying his suitcase next to mine.

I stand up and look at Ethan and he's being quieter than usual this morning. I hug him.

"You could just come to New Jersey with us;" Ethan says kissing my forehead.

"I wish," I say looking down.
"I'll come visit though;" I say rubbing his upper arm.

"Well yeah because if you don't I'll have to come find you;" Ethan says smiling at me.

I smile and kiss right next to his lips but missing on purpose. He grabs my side so I turn and he kisses my lips.

"Okay you two;" Jack says and I turn and grab my bags.

"I called and uber since my flight leaves in an hour;" Aaron says.

"So does ours;" Jack adds on.

I look down trying to avoid Ethan knowing I might cry if I talk to him.

"Okay;" I say quietly grabbing my bags.

"Hey, you all need to come to Jersey soon when we get home okay;" Grayson says resting his arm on top of my head.

"We will;" I fake smile at him.

"You better!" Ethan says picking my up from behind.

I nod and look away.

"Uber's probably here;" Aaron says as we walk out.

"Call me when you get home;" Ethan says rubbing my cheek while I wait to get on the plane.

"I will;" I say looking away.

Ethan goes to kiss me but I turn my head.

"Hey," he says looking at me confused.

I shake my head looking down.

"Why have you been avoiding me;" Ethan asks me grabbing my hand.

"Because I'll cry if I talk to you;" I say letting a few tears escape.

"I'll see you soon;" Ethan says wiping my tears.

"But I don't want to leave you;" I say crying now.

Ethan pull's me into a hug, and I wipe my tears.

"Don't cry because if I cry I'll look weak;" Ethan says and I let out a small laugh.

The woman comes over the intercom saying that Jack and my plane should be ready to board.

"I have to go;" I say pulling off Ethan and hugging Grayson quickly before going over to Jack.

"You'll see him again;" Jack says looking at me.

"I know but I just wish we could see each other when ever we wanted to;" I say.

"Maybe someday;" Jack says.

"Oh I missed you two!!" My mom says hugging us.

"I missed you two;" I say smiling and hugging her.

"So how was it?" My mom asks us.

"The best two weeks;" I say smiling.

"It was fun;" Jack says smiling.

The Best Two WeeksWhere stories live. Discover now