10: Two

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I wake up to my phone going off, and Ethan's not in bed or even in the room.

I look for my phone realizing it's in my pants which are on the floor. I answer.

"Why didn't you call last night?" My mom asks and I face palm.

"Mom I'm soooo sorry I literally got off the plane got to Ethan and Grayson's house and fell asleep!" I say not mentioning the make out session.

"Well okay it just worried me; I gotta go to work so have fun;" Mom says.

"Alright love ya bye;" I say and hang up.

I realize I left my suit case in the car; so I grab a pair of Ethan's sweatpants off the floor and they are huge on me.

I walk out of his room trying to figure out where he could be. I walk down the steps and go right. I walk into a kitchen where Ethan, Lisa, Grayson, Cameron, and Sean are sanding.

"Good morning;" the Sean says and everyone looks at me.

I wave and Grayson starts laughing.

"You look like a zombie;" Grayson says laughing and Cameron there older sister slaps his arm.

"You don't look much better;" I say sitting in between Ethan and Grayson.

Cameron chuckles; "I like her."

I look down and smile.

"Good morning beautiful;" Ethan says and kisses my forehead.

I think it's so cute how he isn't afraid to show how much he loves me in front of his family.

"Good morning," I say smiling at him.

"So did you sleep well?" Lisa asks as Ethan gets me cereal.

"Yeah, I need to get a bed like Ethan's;" I say and Grayson bumps my leg.

"You slept with Ethan?" Sean asks and I have a lump in my throat.

"Yeah;" Ethan says and I know I shouldn't have said anything.

"Good job son;" Sean says patting Ethan's shoulder and walking out of the room.

I take a deep breath and Ethan and Grayson both look at me trying not to die laughing.

"Stop;" I whine covering Ethan's face.

The three of us chuckle and then it turns into uncontrollable laughs; Cameron and Lisa start to laugh as well.

"Stop, stop," I say laughing since every time Grayson laughs I laugh since he has a contagious laugh.

"Oh my God;" Ethan laughs with tears.

"Okay I'm done;" I say and completely stop laughing and they all look at me and then we all start laughing again.

"Okay, kids I gotta go to work you four don't get into to much trouble;" Lisa says wiping her tears leaving.

"Wait;" I say catching up to er so I can get my suit case out of the car.

I walk into Ethan's room and he's changing; I start looking for clothes to wear since I just did my hair and makeup.

I slip on a black t shirt and red skinny jeans.

"I didn't even know you were in the room;" Ethan says turning around.

"Put pants on;" I say laugh walking over to him and he puts on khakis.

"Hey we're going to go get ice cream you coming?" Grayson says poking his head into the room.

"Yeah, let's go!" I say grabbing Ethan's hand.

I talked to Cameron a lot I liked her she's nice. Ethan stayed close to me the whole time. Grayson of course was doing is own strange thing.

"Ethan, babe;" I laugh at the chocolate ice cream that somehow got on his nose.

"What?" Ethan asks and I take a napkin to his nose.

"Riley is going to be a good mom she has to baby sit you all the time;" Cameron says and I laugh and Ethan rolls his eyes.

"How many kids do you want?" Grayson asks me and I laugh.

"Two;" Ethan and I say at the same time.

Cameron and Grayson laugh and we finish our ice cream.

"Come here," Ethan says pulling me onto the couch with him.

"What?" I ask smiling sitting next to him.

"Teen Wolf is on;" he says and my jaw drops.

"You're gonna watch Teen Wolf with me?" I ask excitedly.

"Yeah," Ethan says as I lay on his chest.

"You're the best boyfriend ever;" I say.

SORRY!!!! I know it's short and I'm going to skip this week because nothing big happens but I'm going to write a wisdom teeth part for Riley because we all know that would be hilarious! So sorry and I love you guys!!

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