21: Wedding

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-Two Years Later-

I twirl in my wedding dress. I check my makeup one more time.

"You look stunning;" Katie says in her bridesmaid dress.

"You think?" I say not wanting to cry.

"Don't cry! Your makeup!" She says hugging me.

"We made it far;" I say while wrapping my arms around her.

"I have to go! Next time I see you it will be only a few seconds until Mrs.Dolan!" She says kissing my cheek and running off.

"C'mon;" Jack says as I hear the music start up.

"Don't cry;" I say out loud and he looks at me.

"It's all going to be fine;" Jack says as we walk down the isle. I take a deep breath and Jack sits. I didn't notice my hands locked with Ethan's, and then I notice tears forming in his eyes.

Out of habit I reach up as the priest speaks. We saw our vows.

"Do you Ethan Grant Dolan, take Riley Layne Dail, to be your wife?" He says.

"I do."

"Do you Riley Layne Dail, take Ethan Grant Dolan, to be your husband?"

"I do," I say with a shaky voice.

"You may kiss the bride;" the priest says and Ethan wraps his arms around me pulling me in for a kiss.

"I love you;" he says into the kiss and feel his tear his my cheek.

"Hey! Hey! Not now!" Grayson says laughing from behind Ethan. Ethan blushes and we run back down the isle together as people throw flowers.

After we change into more appropriate clothes; we go to the after party.

"Mom, if it wasn't for your stupid meetings Riley and Ethan would never be married. I mean I remember when Riley was screaming at you because you were making her come to LA with me;" Jack says and the room bursts into laughter. "As soon as Ethan saw Riley to, oh brother, he sucked at flirting I mean I don't even know how he got her. He bought her a cake!" Jack says laughing, and Ethan kisses my cheek. "Let's not forget I told Riley! No , dating my friends...she didn't listen. Honestly though I couldn't be happier for you two;" Jack says raising his glass. "To Riley and Ethan!" He says and gulps it down.

Ethan laughs, and I let a few tears escape he quickly wipes them away though. Oh, Lord. Now it's Grayson's turn.

"Ohhhhhhh," he laughs. "Riley, Riley, Riley, where do we start? Well, I remember when we first met Ethan said to back off because I was playing with you. I mean we were just friends, but Ethan being Ethan was being stingy." Grayson says and we all laugh. "Um, I'm not gonna lie I forgot I was supposed to speak and I have nothing planned. So, don't brake anything tonight. Kidding kidding, actually I'm not kidding. Love you both!" Grayson says and the room goes silent and Ethan and I are both blushing.

"We'll try;" Ethan says and I hit his arm laughing.

A few hours past and everyone has been dancing.

"I'm proud of you;" my mom says running my shoulder. "You've not only made me happy, but many others. You've married a wonderful man." My mom says tears in her eyes.

"I love you mom;" I say pulling her into a hug.

Well, I have some more parts to post and then the story will be over. Unlessssss you would like me to add on where Riley and Ethan have kids?! If I get up to 3 favorites on this I will have them have kids!

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