20: Get A Room

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"What's up guys? It's Ethan and Grayson with my sexy hot gorgeous stunning girlfriend and Riley's here too;" Grayson says and I punch him in the shoulder.

"So we're playing which Dolan today. Basically Riley and Katie wrote down my name and Gray's name on paper. So let's just do a example. Which twin is more sexy?" Ethan says and I hold up his name and Katie holds up Grayson's.

"Okay that was the example so let's get started!" Grayson says.

"Which twin is louder?" Grayson reads off Twitter.

I hold up Gray's sign and so does Katie.

"I'm not that loud!" Grayson says and I start laughing.

"You are even loud when you sleep!" I say thinking of that time he was on the couch and I heard him sleep talking.

"Whatever;" Grayson pouts.

"Which twin is more awkward meeting fans?" Ethan asks and I hold up his sign and Katie does too.

"True;" Ethan agrees chortling. 

"Which twin is more athletic?" Grayson asks and I raise Ethan's and Katie raises Grayson's.

After we finished the video Grayson and Katie went to their room and Ethan and I crawled in bed.

"You're so beautiful;" Ethan says twirling my hair.

"I love you." I say looking at the almost invisible freckles on the bridge of his nose.

"I love you." Ethan says poking my nose.

"I wanna stay with you forever;" I say rubbing his cheeks.

"You will. Someday we're gonna get married, and have kids, and live in LA in a big house; with a pool, and Grayson and Jack and Katie will come visit us all the time;" Ethan says and I smile.


I wake up and Ethan's asleep. I go to the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror. I'm not good enough for him. His fans are prettier than me. I need to do better. I can't make him happy. He's not happy with me. I slide on some shoes and grab the room key, and I walk out of the room. I walk down the hall and out the doors onto the street. Dallas, Texas; never would've thought I'd end up here. I walk a bit until I get to a old gas station, and I walk in. A old woman with long grey hair was standing behind a counter.

"What's a young lady like you doing out alone?" She asks with a sweet voice.

"Thinking;" I say with a smile.

"Well I have a feeling you're not from around here because no one leaves there house after eleven o'clock unless they want to get into some trouble;" the woman says and I get nervous.

"I'm not, and do you have a phone I can borrow; I need to call someone?" I say and she hand me the phone.

I dial Jack's number. Pick up pick up!

"Hello?" His raspy voice answers.

"I'm at the old gas station about a block away. Come get me;" I say.

"Why the fuck are you not in your room?!" He practicality yells.

"Just hurry the fuck up!" I say and hang up.

I wait for Jack and he soon gets here.

"Why were you out?" Jack asks.

"I wanted to go on a walk and then I got scared;" I say and he looks at me.

"Why did you call me and not Ethan?" Jack asks.

"Because you wouldn't have flipped out as much. Ethan well he's never actually seen me over think or acted different than normal," I say and he puts his arm on my shoulders.


I could always count on Jack to understand me. Jack and I both have went through depression, and anxiety.

"Where the fuck were you? Why didn't you take your phone? Why'd you leave? Are you okay?" Ethan says as soon as I walk in the door.

"I'm tired. We can talk in the morning;" I say laying down and he just stairs at me.

"No!" He says and seeing him mad scares me.
"You're going to tell me where you were!" Ethan says and I roll over.

" I went on a walk, and then went to a old gas station! I'm fine." I say and roll back over.

I hear Ethan sigh and the lights turn out.

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