11: Jackpot

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-Fast Forward One Year-

"So Riley how nervous are you?" Grayson asks her as we sit in the waiting room waiting for them to call Riley back to get her wisdom teeth removed.

"I'm pretty nervous I guess;" Riley says and Grayson is filming the whole thing for her.

"Do think you'll cry?" Jack asks her and she looks at him.

"Nah, I'll be fine;" she says and I run her leg.

"Riley Dail," the nurse says calling her back and she kisses me before walking into the back.

"She's gonna lose it isn't she?" I ask Jack chuckling.

"Oh yeah, Riley is a cryer so let's just hope it's not that bad;" Jack says and I can't wait to see her reaction.

"Riley why are you crying?" Grayson asks laughing and filming her while I sit in the back next to her and Jack drives.

"I-I'm not Jennifer Lawrence," Riley sobs and Grayson and Jack die while I try to hold in my laughter but I fail.

"Do you want a milkshake?" Jack asks her and she stops crying.

"YES!" She yells and I push her gauze back in.

"Calm down;" I say holding her head up.

"I am calm!" She says looking at me and then looking away quickly.
"Who are you?" She asks me and Grayson loses it.

"Ethan, I'm your boyfriend;" I say trying not to laugh.

"Whoa I must've hit the jackpot then;" Riley says and I laugh while Grayson is dying and Jack is cracking up.

"Do I look good?" Riley asks and mascara is all over her eyes.

"You look like a model," I say wiping off some of the mascara.

"Really?" She asks about to start crying.

"Yeah," I say and she cries.

"That's really sweet of you to say;" she says patting my shoulder crying.
"That's not going to work;" Grayson says as I try to help Riley with her milkshake as it falls on her chin.

"I just wanna go home!" Riley sobs and we all laugh.

"We are going home;" Jack says as he drives.

"Wait where's mom and Lisa?" Riley asks looking confused.

"Lisa is in New Jersey and moms at work;" Jack says because I'm laughing to hard to talk.

"Do they not love me enough to come?" Riley cries.

"No, they love you very much! They just couldn't make it;" I say wiping her tears.

"Don't be so sarcastic asshole;" Riley says glaring at me and I hold in my laughs.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be mean;" Riley sobs on my shoulder.

"It's okay, babe;" I say laughing and kissing her head.

"Do you honestly think I can walk?" She says to Grayson wen he opens her door.

"Here;" I say picking her up.

"I'm sorry I'm so heavy;" she says and I laugh.

"You're not heavy;" I say smiling at her.

"Oh that's so nice of you;" she says patting my cheek.

Jack and Grayson are both laughing there asses off while I lay her on the couch.

"I want my milkshake;" Riley says trying to sit up.

"Okay, hold on;" I say and I go get her milkshake.

I feed it to her with a spoon, and she just looks so tiered.

"If this isn't couple goals I don't know what is;" Jack laughs and I shake my head laughing.

"What's so funny?" Riley asks touching her bottom lip.

"Nothing;" I say kissing her forehead.

"How about you rest;"  I say handing Grayson her milkshake.

"But I'm not tired!" Riley says sitting up straight.

"Okay, well do you want to watch TV?" I ask her holding up the remote.

"Yeah, sure;" she says laying back.

I turn on Girl Code for her and get on Vine. I see Jack's post of me feeding Riley her milkshake. Grayson is keeping her fans updated on Twitter.

"Wait!" Riley yells and all three of us jump.

"What?" Grayson asks laughing.

"I have to film today," Riley says and I laugh.

"No, not today. Gray is keeping your fans updated on Twitter;" Jack says and she lays back.

"Okay," she says.

Within five minutes she's fast asleep and I sit next to her while Grayson and Jack take a nap.

"It hurts so much;" Riley moans laying on the floor.

"I know babe, just hold on I'm getting your medicine;" I say going to the kitchen where I left her medicine on the counter.

"Here," I say handing her the pills and she swallows them.

"It still hurts;" Riley says laying her head on the crook of my neck.

"It will feel better soon;" Grayson says as I pull her onto my lap on the couch.

"I wanna die!" Riley says and I wipe her tears.

"You don't want to die," I say rubbing her sides.

"I want to chop my head off;" she says looking at me.

Jack chuckles and I kiss the top of her head.

"You'll feel better in a couple days," I say.

"Ugh," Riley moans crying.

"Don't cry," I say wiping her tears.

Riley buries her head in my chest and I rub her back.

So many cute Ethley moments in this update! I kinda love when Riley is loopy! Guys Grayson and Jack are like hilarious and I love them😂 ILYSM!!!!!

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