15: Knight In Shining Armor

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"Cameron, stop;" I mumble since he rubs my lady hood under the blanket.

"You know you love it;" Cameron whispers in my ear making me shiver.

"Cam, I don't feel like it right now;" I say standing up.

"To bad, because I do!" Cameron says ripping my shirt off (IK IK SOOOO NOT CAM SORRY ITS JUST FOR THE FANFIC)

"Cameron!" I yell grabbing my shirt but he grabs my waist.

"This should be fun," he says trying to take my skinny jeans off me.

"Cameron! Get off!" I scream kneeing him in the balls and he doubled over.

I bolt into the bathroom and lock the door, and call the one person I could think is in LA since Jack went home this morning and would do anything to get me. Ethan.

"Hey;" Ethan says.

"Ethan, please come get me;" I say with a shaky voice.

"What's wrong? Where are you? Are you hurt?" Ethan asks frantically.

"Cam's house! Get here, NOW!" I say and hang up.

"Riley let me in!" Cameron says banging on the door.

I climb into the bathtub and sit there shaking. I still have my pants, and I adjust them. When Cameron ripped my shirt off he grabbed my bra to. It must've snapped since he was so rough.

"What the fuck?" I hear Cameron yell and then a big bang against the door and silence.

"Riley," I hear Ethan say.

"Ethan!" I scream standing up.

"Hey, shhh it's okay;" Ethan say as I open the door and wrap my arms around him.

"Shhhhhh," Ethan says as I cry onto his shoulder and he squeezes me tight with his hand on the back of my head.

"We need to get out of here before he wakes up," Ethan says grabbing my clothes that are ripped and won't do me any good.

"Yeah," I say wiping my tears.

"Here;" Ethan says taking his shirt off and it to me.

I slip it on, and notice blood on Ethan's lip.

"Your lip!" I say wiping it with my thumb.

"Hey, I'm okay. Let's just go;" Ethan says rubbing my cheek and we walk out into his car.

"Where's Gray?" I ask climbing into the passenger seat.

"I might've left him at Wall Mart;" Ethan says and I look at him.

"We'll go get him!" I say like it's obvious.

"Okay!" Ethan says pulling into the parking lot we almost missed.

"What the fuck?" Grayson asks climbing into the back seat.

"Sorry!" Ethan says and Grayson smiles at me.

"Dail, what are you doing here?" Grayson asks and Ethan looks at me.

"I needed my knight in shining armor;" I say and Ethan pulls out with a huge grin.

"Where's your bra?" Grayson asks and I look at him and cover my chest with my arms.

"Why ya looking?" I ask and Grayson blushes.

"Well sorry! It's not that hard to notice!" Grayson says and Ethan flicks him in the forehead.

"Gosh!" Grayson says leaning back.

A few seconds of silence went by but the Grayson set straight up.

"DID YOU TWO HAVE SEX?!" Grayson yells and I slap him.

"No!" I yell and Ethan glares at him.

"What happened to your lip bro? Did Riley bite to hard?" Grayson asks and I turn around in my seat.

"Shut the fuck up Grayson Bailey Dolan;" I say since he hates his middle name.

"Does Cam know what hotel your staying at tonight?" Ethan asks and I nod.

"Okay then you're staying in our hotel room tonight;" Ethan says and I give him directions to my hotel so I can get my stuff.

"You can sleep on this bed and I'll sleep in Gray's;" Ethan says scratching the back of his neck.

"Thanks for back there;" I say awkwardly.

"Yeah, no problem."

"Bro, you suck at flirting;" Grayson says laying on the bed and Ethan and I both blush.

"When was the last time you had a girlfriend," Ethan ask and Grayson goes to talk but stops himself.

I lay in bed and think about today. Ethan saved me from Cameron. I can't go see Cameron anymore for awhile or ever again.

"Hey, Riley? Are you asleep?" I hear Ethan ask and I smile to myself.

"No;" I say.

"Whatcha doing?" Ethan asks.


"About what?" Ethan asks.


"I love you Riley," Ethan says.

"I love you too," I say before I can stop myself.

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