One Hell Of An Offer

571 29 17

3rd Person pov

Ciel stood for a moment, stunned by your ominous response. Before long, he regained his thoughts and quickly called a command.

"Sebastian! This is an order, catch that girl, but do not harm her. I wish her no ill intent, but her story intrigued me."

Sebastian smirked, his demonic eyes flashing.

"Yes, my Lord." He followed you at inhuman speeds, predicting where you would be to cut you off. As you looked back to make sure you weren't followed, you slammed into Sebastian, shrieking in panicked surprise.

"Now then miss, my Master is intrigued." He spoke, emotionless. "If you would be so kind as to come with me, I assure you, the man you speak of will not find you."

You considered running again, not easily trusting of a stranger. But for some ungodly reason, you agreed.

"Fine. But if I suspect anything, I'm running again." you said, feigning confidence.

Sebastian just smirked again, giving you a slight chill. "Wonderful. My Master will be quite pleased."

Nodding absentmindedly, you followed the butler in black, having no idea what you were about to get yourself into.

Helloooo my readers. Or reader. Or perhaps I'm talking to myself. I don't know if this will be popular or not, but anywho.. Comment your opinion, but dislike trolling is not approved. Hope you enjoy the story, and if updates take too long, bug me! Bug me to no end! It will be appreciated. Tchüs!

~author-chan \(○^ω^○)/

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