One Hell Of A Foreshadowing

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3rd Person pov

A week had passed since Sebastian had laughed, and business at the Phantomhive manor was as usual.. Almost. Ciel had been increasingly more annoyed at the fact that Sebastian was distracted. He would find the butler deep in thought, instead of out getting tea. He did all the necessary household chores, yes, but sometimes late. This was enough for Ciel to feel as if something was awry.

Calling Sebastian, he questioned this new behavior.

"What is the meaning of your attention lately? You're constantly in another world. What is this?" Ciel was fed up.

"I do apologize, my Lord. Someone recently confused me greatly, and I wished to discover why. It has taken away from my young Master's orders, and I won't let it happen any longer." Satisfied with this, Ciel let Sebastian off with a warning, and a glare. Sebastian was far from sorry, but he knew his work shouldn't suffer, so he only pondered at night.

You, on the other hand, were stepping up. Work was never better, and you were on top of it. That is, until Sebastian came to crash your good streak.

"You." Sebastian approached with a dark aura. "I blame you for my attention as of late. What have you done? Are you really human? Have you cursed me? No of course not I would know.." You were slowly backed into a corner. Unafraid, you replied haughtily.

"I have done nothing to you, other than amuse you with my antics. I thought you were grateful! Bipolar demon ass!" You were angry that he had immediately blamed you. Yet, a part of you knew he was thinking about why he laughed. Neither of you could understand why. Trying to push past, you planned on running out to the garden. Sebastian, on the other hand, wasn't finished with his interrogation. I know she's right, I have no reason to blame her, but I just dont understand.. He thought sadly.

"I'm not finished with you yet." Sebastian growled, shoving you against the wall. Maybe if I confuse her more, this won't happen again. Sebastian decided, his cold maliciousness returning. He pinned your wrists by your sides, leaning in slowly. You glared at him, too angry to feel any embarrassment, confusion, or fear. He lightly nibbled the top of your ear, squeezing your wrists more. Face turning red, you pulled away, shoving him back and angrily shouting.

"Trying to mess with my head won't work Sebastian! I know you want to blame me, but take care of your own screw up. I'll be in town if you need me. I gotta clear my head."
Rushing past him, you bolted out the door, booking it towards town. A new emotion began to fill Sebastian, unwelcome and unpleasant. Guilt.

As he saw you round the corner, disappearing around the bend, it began to sting. He didn't like guilt, not in the slightest. But it would take something big to make him apologize.

And something big, was soon to come..

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