One Hell Of A Day

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Your fabulous pov

It had been a while since that lovely fall picnic, and winter was setting in.
I love snow.

"You can daydream all you want but that won't get anything done." A familiar dark voice chided. I giggled before spinning around to pull said voice into a hug.

"Don't you just love snow demon? It's so quiet and pretty." I sighed wistfully, earning a small smile from Sebastian.

"It would remind me of you, if you could shut up for any period of time." I gasped in fake hurt as he smirked down at me. Pouting, I turned on my heel and marched away, grinning when he couldn't see. A cool breeze hit the back of my neck, and I knew he was right behind me.

"Such a cruel kitten we are, leaving behind." Biting my lip against a giggle, I turned with a coy expression.

"You can daydream all you want but that won't get anything done." I quoted him exactly, hand on my hip, a replica of his cool smirk on my face. He grinned devilishly at me, taking a step forward. Leaning down he was inches from my face, and I felt my cheeks become hot.

"You're absolutely right kitten. Off we go then. Christmas Eve is a busy time after all." He dissapeared before I could get a word in edgewise. Growling, I set off to work, a small part of me excited for the coming holiday.

(I apologize if you're Jewish or don't celebrate Christmas, it's London in the 1800s, sorrryyy)

3rd Person pov

As you prepared, your excitement grew. The present you had for Sebastian was perfect, and you wanted to see the look on his face when you gave it to him. It was small, but you had put your heart and soul into this small creation.

As you hummed happily, doing your work, Sebastian dashed about with his chores as well. Preparing for Christmas dinner, setting a tree and decorations, wrapping gifts, sending letters, he was indeed a busy demon. Though with all those things buzzing about in his thoughts, he still had plenty of time to think about you.

After much preparation, everything was set for the oncoming celebration. Excited, you went to glomp your demon, the holiday spirit lifting your mood even higher than usual.

Your pov

I slid down the banister slowly admiring, slack jawed, Sebastian's work. "IT LOOKS AMAZING!" My loud voice echoed through the main foyer. Seeing my demon at the bottom of the stairs, I slid faster, launching myself into his arms.

"Throwing yourself at me hmm?~" He muttered playfully. I giggled and batted my eyelashes at him.

"Don't you know it demon boy.~" I kept the air of lightness about my words, and couldn't stop smiling. He chuckled at my childlike behavior and set me down gently, yet he didn't take his hands off mine.

"Sebby..?" I questioned, blushing slightly. He seemed distant as he stared at our joined hands, as if in shock that they were clasped so tightly. A small sigh escaped his lips, but it was one of contentment. Looking up at me, finally, he stared into my (e/c) eyes, as if peering into my soul. He smiled tenderly, a soft look adorning his features.

"(Y/n).." He said my actual name, and I knew he was about to say something serious.

"Yes Sebastian?" I tried to keep my voice steady as my emotions bubbled up.

"I don't know human emotions very well, and shouldn't experience them. But you're so.. Different. I can't explain it, but I feel a need to have you with me. Protect you. Do you know what this is?" His eyes were slightly troubled, a lost look on his face. I smiled, pulling him close, my arms around his neck. I leaned towards his ear, whispering softly.

"It is impossible to explain, even as a human. But we do have a name for it. Telling you won't make you understand. You'll know, soon." I buried my face in his chest, and he held me tightly. In that moment, I was content.

I don't remember how long we stood there, but at some point he carried me to bed, placed a kiss on my forehead, and left quietly. Such caring gestures from a creature known as heartless.

My eyes opened, and I sat up. Carefully leaving my bed, I crept towards his door, absolute silence filling the manor. Knocking softly, the door opened, and I found Sebastian, lying on his bed. The far away look was once again in his eyes, and he hadn't noticed me there yet.

Carefully, I stepped into the room, approaching him. He looked up at me, his confusion apparent. I sat on the bed next to him, laying by his side. As if by instinct, he held me closer, facing me. The distance in his look was gone, replaced by a look of contentedness. I knew demons didn't need sleep, but his eyes fluttered shut. I smiled, and kissed his cheek lightly, before joining him in slumber.

3rd Person pov

It had been many years since Sebastian had slept, and never had he had such dreams. The demon hadn't ever felt so comfortable in sleep, nor had any demon before this night. You had such an air of peacefulness about you, it put him at ease. You were safe with him, and that was what he needed. An overwhelming urge to keep you safe was unfamiliar, yet he wasn't phased by it. And a jealous rage deep within him for every look cast upon you by any eyes but his. So strange, so comforting. Never had he been at such a loss for words, until you.

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