May 29th

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May 29

Dear Diary,


Today has been one of the best mornings I have had in a really long time. This morning the boys made me breakfast because I guess Perrie told them about yesterday. It had been a while since someone willingly made me breakfast. After we ate I helped Louis clean up and he told me that we were gonna spend the entire day together no phones and no one else just the Tommo Twins. I actually felt gitty inside. The last time we had a Tommo Twin day was when we were 17, just before be started getting really into singing and acting. Since it was our last day in Australia before going to the US we decided to go sightseeing. To make sure that no fans would interrupt our time we dressed up as each other so no one would notice us. What we didn't realize is that we are identical twins so I looked like Louis and he looked like me.


It was the funniest thing just happened! Well a couple hours ago but still. Louis was wearing a long blonde wig, one of my sweaters and his signature neon red pants. I was wearing a Jack Wills jumper with black jeans and toms. We went to an ice cream shop that someone told us about.

"OH MY GOSH YOU'RE LOUIS AND STACY TOMLINSON!!!!! I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!! Where the rest of the boys?" she screamed the second we walked in the door.

"Who is this Louis Tomlinson you speak of?" I asked trying to stifle my laugh. "My name is Kevin, Kevin Pigeon. And this is my sister Luisa."

"Oh I am so sorry I thought you were someone else." She blushed bright red color. After we ordered our ice cream and we were eating it I started feeling guilty because this is probably the only time she will ever meet a part of one direction.

"Hey Lou will you sign something then we can give it to her cause I feel really bad. She seemed so excited when she thought I was you." I asked giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"I knew you were gonna ask at some point. I already did and I was going to leave it on the counter when we left." He smiled walking over to the counter and ringing the bell. He rang the bell and ran out and I followed.

Just as the door was closing we heard her scream. "OMG I JUST MET LOUIS TOMLINSON!" Her face was priceless; I wish I got her reaction on video. I think it's so cool that all the boys have to do is sign a simple thing and it makes someone's day.

After the ice cream shop we did all the interesting things around town. We got stopped so many times but fans. I guess our disguises didn't work but you know I really don't care. I had one of the best days in a really long time with Louis. He might have left me for a little while but I think after today I got my best friend back and I gained 3 more plus an enemy.

Louis is making us popcorn and putting all our candy we got earlier in a bowl. We are ending our Tommo Twin day with a movie marathon. I loved watching movies with Lou when I was younger because we would always get bored half way through and start making our own dialogue up.

Sweet Dreams



This is one of my all time favorite chapters i have written so far :)

I decided to be nice and upload two chapters :)

If you find any mistakes please comment and tell me.

okay so for the next chapter if i can get 45 votes and 20 comments i will upload before wednesday :)

The picture at the side is of the outfits Stacy and Louis wore. I really like them so dont judge :) I love you all!

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