May 20th

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May 20

Dear Diary,

1:15 AM

Yesterday was SOOOOO boring! The boys still aren’t home and I think I spent Harry's entire pay check on clothes while we were shopping. As a bus warming gift he let me buy whatever I wanted from Top Shop and Jack Wills. I don’t get why he is being so nice to me but I guess I’ll take it. Now Harry is sleeping in my lap and snoring, very loudly might I add.

After shopping for like four hours he proceeded to puke his guts out which I didn’t think was much because he hasn’t eaten the entire time I have been here. I spent the whole time rubbing circles on his back with my hand and playing with his curls. It was my way of comforting him and his curls are just so irresistible. He looked absolutely miserable not only because he is sick but in general. After he was done we came out to the couch and started watching The Notebook, his choice not mine.

Near the end of the movie Harry spoke up scaring me, “Stacey? Why do you hate Lou so much?” I look down into his eyes and sighed.

“I don’t hate him as much as I make it seem. I am hurt more than anything else. He was my best friend until he left for X-factor then I didn’t hear from him for almost a year. The only reason people talked to me before was because Louis was the most popular guy in our entire town. After he was on X-Factor they only wanted to talk to me to get close to the famous Louis Tomlinson. My parents wouldn’t even talk to me between him leaving and him becoming famous. They could have cared less about me it was always about their precious Louis. I was basically all alone for 6 months with no human contact except for the twins. They don’t really understand why mum and dad where ignoring me come to think of it I don’t know either. He went from being there for me through everything to never having enough time for me.” I confess. “Haz can you not say anything to Louis please. I don’t want him to feel bad for leaving. I am so unbelievably proud of him I just wish that when his life turned amazing mine turned horrible.. You’re the only one that knows how I really feel.”

It wasn’t until he reached up and wiped a stray tear away that I realized I was crying.  “I promise I won’t say anything but I think you should say something to him because he was devastated yesterday when you were in the van. I think that’s a conversation you should have with him. Just give him a chance to explain. I know he loves you more than anything and deep down you love him too.”

“Thanks Harry. I am sorry I spilled all my problems on you. Why don’t you go to sleep it’s almost 10 and you look like you’re about to pass out.” I smile into his chest as he pulls me into a bear hug.

After getting comfortable again he put his head in my lap and fell asleep instantly. I think the boys got home I better go. They better not be drunk.

4:25 PM

It was the boys, they were VERY drunk. Well Liam seemed more tired than drunk. Louis walked in crying and screaming for Harry, Niall was overly flirty towards Liam and Zayn was in a very bad mood and refused to talk to anyone. I have spent the last 3 hours trying to get them all to bed because Harry said they had an interview this morning and are gonna have horrible hangovers. Liam and Zayn were the easy ones because they both just went to their bunks and fell asleep. Niall refused to sleep in has bunk because there were leprechaun hunters hiding in it so he begged to sleep with me and Louis but Louis refused to sleep without Harry, Harry fell asleep in the big bed so now I am lying between Niall and Harry. I didn’t think we would all fit but surprisingly there was more than enough room. I didn't think so much noise could come out of such a little Irishman. Apparently Zayn, Liam and the band are fine with sleeping in the bunks so my rotation is basically Harry and Niall and occasionally Louis.

Just before he fell asleep Louis whispered "I love you Stacy." I don't know if I should be happy that he loves me or creeped out that that's what he whispers in his sleep. Anyways since the boys have an interview tomorrow I am assuming they are going to make me go with them I better go. Hopefully only a couple hours of sleep will be enough.

See You 



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The pic at the side is of the boys sleeping.

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