June 1st

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June 1

Dear Diary,

3:15 am

         It didn’t take them that long to find me. In all honestly I probably should have turned off tracking on my phone. Just as I was about to drift off into dream land on my park bench I heard Louis screaming my name. At first I was relieved that he was so glad to see me but then I remembered why I was outside on a park bench in the first place. Our conversation went a little like this.

“Stacy! I am so glad your okay! Please don’t do anything like that ever again. I already lost you once I can’t lose you again.” Louis cried pulling me into his arms.

“You’re the one that left me not the other way around. How did you find me anyways?” I mumble trying to get out of his arms.

“I can track your phone and what do you mean I am the one that left. You’re the one that ran away.”

“I am talking about when you when you went to the x-factor. You called me once in a while at the beginning but then you just stopped contacting me.” I yelled in his face becoming more furious as every word left my mouth.

“I tried getting in contact with you! You’re the one that rejected all my calls!” he calmly replied. I could already tell tonight would be the night on confessions.

“I never rejected your calls. I waited around every day for you to call or text me for six months. Every time I would call you I got sent straight to voicemail! Then mom and dad told me that you told me to stop trying to contact you. Do you even know how much that hurt having your parents tell you that your twin brother and best friend wanted nothing to do with you. On top of all that did you know that I was physically, mentally and emotionally abused every single freaking day”

“Well I called you every day for those six months. Whenever I called mum dad or Lottie would answer the phone and you always seemed to be busy or not home. Didn’t they ever tell you I called? I thought that you had forgotten about me. I thought that you didn’t want to be associated with me because I was famous.” He said looking at his hands when suddenly something in his mind clicked.”What do you mean you were physically, mentally and emotionally abused?! Who hurt you? I am going to kill them.”

“Crap you weren’t supposed to hear that” I mumble thinking he can’t hear me.

“Stacy Please tell me who hurt you. No one is allowed to hurt you. Please…..” he trails off looking at me with pleading eyes.

“You won’t believe me if I told you…” my voice cracks a bit.

“Please just tell me. Who hurt you?” he whispers putting his hands on my cheek. His thumb softly whips the tears away.

“Mom and Dad talked to me like I was stupid and incapable of doing anything and called me horrible names and if I wasn’t getting perfect grades or acting how they wanted me to dad would hit me really hard. To them I could never be perfect because nothing I did even began to compare to their amazing son. When I would go to school all the kids were either talking about me like I wasn’t there or acting like I was no better than scum. And the worst offender was you. Before you left you had protected me so much from all these people. After you left my so called friends were no more then acquaintances again because everyone only talked to me to get closer to you even before the fame. I was so hurt when I didn’t hear from you because you were the person that was always supposed to be there for me and you were gone.” By the end of my confession I was in total hysterics at some point throughout my speech Louis had pulled me into his arms again.

“I am so sorry Stacey…I am such a horrible brother. I am sorry!” he cried. “Please forgive me! I want to make it up to you. I love you Stacy more than anything in the world. I really did call everyday but I guess mom and dad didn’t want us to be in contact. Hopefully the girls never end up in the same situation as you.” He mumbles still holding me in his arms

“Hey Lou. I just want you to know that they treated the younger girls like angels. Mom and dad love them more than anything in the whole world. I know that dad would never hurt the twins because they are daddy’s girls and he loves them and Lottie is the only one that will go shopping with mom and you know how much mom loves her shopping.” We laugh because its true our mom is more of a shopaholic than personal shoppers, she could spend all of One Direction money in a couple hours if you let her.

After Louis and my twin moment we went back to the hotel. All the boys even Zayn gave me a huge hug the second I walked into Harry and Louis room. I guess they were really worried about me. Niall’s hug lasted a bit longer than the others but I didn’t really mind because if he hadn’t asked about my past I probably wouldn’t have ever told Louis.

After our little reunion we spent the next hour talking about random things mostly the boys telling me random things about themselves that made them seem like just as much of a disaster as me. Then we all went to bed I wasn’t really in the mood to sleep in my room. Louis didn’t understand why I wouldn’t sleep in my room with Zayn but he let me cause he thought I was gonna try running away again so I slept in Niall’s room

“Ni? Thank you for helping me tell Louis. If it weren’t for you I don’t think I would have ever told him.” I told him before he fell asleep. I am soooo tired so I am gonna sleep now. Hopefully I won’t wake up for a while.

11:30 pm

So I woke up about an hour ago. My entire day has consisted of sleeping and eating. Now I am going to bed again. I never realized how much I actually needed to sleep after almost a year of not being able to sleep well. I am surprised that no one had came in to wake me up but it probably has something to do with the fact that Niall threatened to eat anyone who bothered me alive. Harry was telling me a few minutes ago about the huge argument Niall and Louis got in over letting me sleep as long as I did. Niall is bringing me back more food so I better go before he catches me.

Night night



I felt bad so 2 whole chapters!!!!!

Comment and vote a lot and i will post more :)

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