June 15th

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June 15th

Dear Diary,


Sorry that I haven't written in you all day but freaking Zayn found my phone last night after I fell asleep and I guess I forgot to close out of you and he started reading you. Can you flipping believe him he read my diary!! Not only did he read it but he told Harry about it and I am not sure who else. I can't believe him!!! I told you somethings that no one else not even Louis knows an now I don't know oh all knows. I just want to cry but I can't because I don't want him to know that it effects me. Anyways he found my phone on the floor cause I guess that it fell last night while I was sleeping. How he got into my phone I don't know but when i woke up this morning he gave it back and told me he read it and a few other things I don't want to repeat but

Dear Diary, (One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now