Jonathan Toews

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You were both very excited and nervous for tonight. The Jonathan Toews had asked you on a date. Long story short, you met through some mutual friends and he couldn't take his eyes off of you. He had told you to wear something nice. You open your closet to find your prettiest black dress with a belt and a pair of blue strapped pumps, because of your favorite color. (You choose the color).

You make sure your hair is perfectly straight and your makeup is on point. Lastly, you sprayed your favorite perfume on your neck and wrists.

At exactly six o'clock, you hear a knock on your door. You give yourself one more look in the mirror, and then open the door. You get upset because it's only your neighbor giving you some mail that was mixed with hers. "Hello, Y/N," Y/N/N said. "You looked nice tonight. Going out?"

"Thank you!" You reply, smiling. "Yeah, I have a date tonight."

Your neighbor leaves. About five minutes later, you open the door to see Jonathan on the other side. "Hey, I'm sorry I'm late. Kaner was holding me back, questioning me," he explained. "I know, it's not that great of a start for a good first impression."

"That's okay!" You assure.

"You look pretty...I mean beautiful," he said blushing a little.

"Thanks. You look pretty handsome yourself," you say as you adjust his tie.

When you get to the restaurant, you realize that it's the fanciest one of Chicago. "Reservation for two under the name of Toews," Jonathan says to the hostess.

"Alright, mister and misses Toews, right this way," she says. You were taken back by her comment. Did she just call you Mrs. Toews? That was definitely going to be a highlight of your night. When you got the the table, Jonathan pulled out the chair for you.

"You didn't have to do this. You know, take me here," you said. You weren't sure why, but you felt guilty.

"Sure I do. Especially for a beautiful girl like you," he says, making you blush. "So, misses Toews. eh?" You just smile.

It was a great night. You guys talked and got to know more about each other. A couple weeks later, the two of you went on another date where Johnny asked you to be his girlfriend. You said yes as he placed a promise ring on your finger.

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