Auston Matthews

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Never in your whole life time did you think that you would be as conflicted as you are right now. It's currently the fourth round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, which means that it's the final round. Whichever team wins this round, wins it all. This year, the two teams that have made it this far are the Boston Bruins and the Toronto Maple Leafs.

This poses a big problem for you. Why? Because not only is your brother, Brad Marchand, playing for the Bruins, but your fiancee, Auston Matthews, is playing for the Maple Leafs. You're torn between the two of them; you want your brother to win the cup again, but you also want to see your fiancee win the cup for his first time.

Six games have been played already. The series is tied at three. Game seven is tonight in Boston, since the Bruins have home ice advantage. Tonight's game will determine the winner of the 2020 Stanley Cup Playoffs.

You flew to Boston with the rest of your family to see the game tonight. Currently, everyone is resting up for the big game. As you are cuddled up in bed with Auston in his hotel room, you run your fingers through his soft, black hair. He's been napping for a couple of hours. Or at least, he's been trying to. You knew he was anxious about the game tonight.

You reach to the side to grab your phone and look at the time. It's almost three o'clock. Auston is going to have to get up soon to get ready for the team dinner they're having before the game. You sit up as you feel him start to move around. You smile at him as he opens his eyes. "Rise and shine," you say to him as you continue to play with his hair. "How'd you sleep?"

"Okay, I guess," he answers. "I don't know; it was kind of hard to really sleep. What time is it?"

"Two forty-five," you tell him. "You gotta get up to get ready for team dinner soon."

He lets out a sigh and replies, "I know."

"Are you nervous about tonight?" You ask.

"If I'm being honest, I'm extremely nervous for tonight," he states.

"You shouldn't be. Babe, you're gonna do great tonight," you reassure.

"But what if I don't? My coach, my teammates, the whole city of Toronto is counting on us to bring them home the cup. I don't want to let any of them down. And that's not the only thing I'm anxious about. Your brother is gonna hate me forever if my team wins."

You can't help but chuckle at your fiancee's comment. "Babe, don't even worry about my brother. If you guys win, it'll be awesome. Yeah, he's gonna be upset for a little bit, but Brad will get over it. Plus, he already won a cup anyways."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

You start to hover over your fiancee and inch your face closer to his. "Just remember, whether you win or lose tonight, I'll still love you either way," you say before giving him a short but sweet kiss.

"Good," he says once you pull away. "So, who do you want to win?"

You laugh and roll your eyes before getting off of Auston and off of the bed without answering his question. You hated when he asked you that. He's been asking you that since you've known that both the Leafs and the Bruins made it to the playoffs. You always ignored him when he asked you that.

"Why don't you ever answer me when I ask you that?" Auston asks as he slowly gets off of the bed.

"Because, you're not gonna make me choose between you or my brother. I want you guys both to win," you answer.

"I'm not making you choose between your brother and I. I'm just curious as to who you want to win," he explains.

You let out a sigh before saying, "don't tell Brad, but I'm hoping that you guys win tonight."

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