Jake Guentzel

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Today is a big day for you and your husband, Jake Guentzel. The two of you threw a party for your families to reveal the gender of your baby. It's not as big as the day you found out you were pregnant, but it's still very important and exciting. No one knew what the gender was; not even you or Jake knew. You're hoping it's a girl, but Jake is hoping it's a boy.

When the two of you had the ultrasound where you could find out the gender, you had the doctor print out the pictures. You and Jake had promised each other that neither of you would look. You gave it to your mom so she could set up your plan for the actual revealing. It was a pretty cute plan too, you thought.

The party itself is hockey themed for obvious reasons. Jake is a professional hockey player for the Pittsburgh Penguins. And you've always liked hockey. Of course, the revealing is hockey themed too. Your mom was able to find these plastic hockey pucks that were filled with either blue or pink powder.

Finally, it's the moment everyone's been waiting for

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Finally, it's the moment everyone's been waiting for. Everyone gathers around the driveway in the backyard where there's a hockey net set up. You make sure someone is going to get it on video before you get settled. The two of you decide that Jake should shoot the puck because he has a more powerful shot than you; it would be easier for him to break the plastic puck.

Jake was able to get you some goalie gear so you could play the part of the goaltender. You probably looked really stupid with just a goalie mask and gloves on, but you didn't care. It's not like you were going to get hurt, anyways.

"Three! Two! One!" You hear your family and friends countdown.

Jake lifts his stick as if he were to shoot a puck in a real game. He brings it down really fast. When the stick blade makes contact with the plastic puck, blue powder explodes from it. It's a boy!

Jake drops the stick. He starts jumping up and down and runs to you. He picks you up and spins you around. Then, he gives you a quick kiss. "It's a boy!" He exclaims. "We're gonna have a son and I'm gonna teach him how to play hockey and he's gonna be a pro like his father!"

You laugh at your husbands comment. You could totally see Jake teaching your son to skate and play hockey the day he starts walking. But you had no problem with it. You knew your husband is going to make a great father.

Requested by phanislife31101 . Sorry it's so short but I hope you like it! I found the ideal of the hockey gender reveal on Pinterest and I thought it was the cutest!

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