William Nylander

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Your POV

I walk down the crowded hallway trying to get to my locker. Finally, the school day is over. One more day closer to finally graduate from high school and get out of this prison. As I'm walking, I'm pushed hard into the people in front of me. I have a feeling I know who it is. I apologize to the people who I was just pushed into. Then I turn around and sure enough I'm met with those baby blue eyes. William. Those beautiful, baby blue eyes.

"William, was that necessary?" I spit.

He grins, "yes, it was very necessary."

I roll my eyes and walk to my locker. But for some odd reason, William follows me. "What do you want, Nylander?" I ask as I open my locker and grab my bag.

Instead of answering my question, he grabs and tugs on my bag. "I'll take this thank you very much," he says.

"Give me my bag back!" I yell as I try to get it back from him. But his grip is too tight.

We both give up at the same time and let go. My bag drops to the ground and the some of its contents spill out. I crouch down and gather all of my things. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice William go to grab something of mine. I look at him and watch him pick up my jersey. My Toronto Maple Leafs jersey. "Ooh, what's this?" He asks. "Maple Leafs, eh?"

"Yes," I spit as I snatch it away from him.

"You like hockey?" He questions.

"Yeah," I answer, avoiding eye contact. I've liked hockey ever since my dad got me into it. Even though I live in Calgary, my favorite team is the Maple Leafs. I don't know why; they're just my favorite team.

"You know," William starts. "I play hockey."

"Yeah, I know," you answer. "I mean, I hear you boast about it all the time around here."

"I didn't know you liked hockey. You should've told me!"

I roll my eyes, "why would I tell you? All you are is a jerk to me."

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll stop, as long as you come to one of my games?"

I scoff, "you want me to come to one of your games? You practically hate me."

"I don't hate you. I have a playoff game this Saturday, do you want to come or not?"

I think about it for while. "Fine, I'll come," I finally answer.

"Okay, great! I'll text you the time and place. " With that, he walks away.

Why would William invite me to his game? I'm pretty sure he hates me. And I know this is stupid, but I've liked him for the longest time now; ever since I found out that he plays hockey. He's a huge jerk to me, but I can't help but fall for his blue eyes and charming smile.

I decide to go to his game on Saturday. I feel really awkward at first because I'm all by myself. I try to have a good time and enjoy the game.

William's team ends up winning the game 2-1. He had asked me to meet up with him after his game, so I do. But, when he comes out of the locker room, one of his teammates are with him. "Good job out there today," I say. "You did great!"

"Yeah," he replies. "Thanks for coming!" I hear his teammate clear his throat and the smile that was once on William's face disappears. "I mean, what are you doing here?"

I look at him confused, "you invited me and told me you wanted me to come."

"Well, it was just a joke. I didn't think you would actually come," he smirks.

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