Carey Price

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"Carey, why do you have to leave?" You cry as your husband starts to walk out the front door.

He turns around and looks at you with glossy eyes, "it's better for us. For me. For you. For the baby." He places his hand on your baby bump.

"But how? How is you moving across the country better for us?" You question as you follow him into the driveway.

Carey signed a contract with a team that is on the complete opposite side of the country.

"It's better pay," Carey answers. "It's much more than what I'm making here, in Montreal. I'll be able to provide more for our family."

"Carey, you're getting good pay now, though."

He kisses your head and says, "I'm so sorry, but I promise we will see each other soon." With that, he get into his car, starts it and drives away.

You had some trouble falling asleep that night, but eventually you were able to. You were awaken by the sound of your phone ringing. You hoped that it was Carey so you could hear his voice again. Instead, it was Alex Galchenyuk, one of Carey's teammates from the Habs. "Hello?" You answer nervously.

"Hey, um, Y/N," Alex replies. He sounds out of breath and upset.

"Alex, is everything okay?" You ask.

"No, it's Carey," he answers.

"What happened?"

"Carey was in a bad car accident. He was rushed to the hospital, but he didn't make it. I'm so sorry."

"No!" You cry. "No, this can't be happening!"

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. If you need me, I'll be here for you," Alex offers.

You thank Alex for telling you what had happened, then you hang up. You throw your phone across the room, but it ends up landing on the bed. You rest your head in your hands and cry. How could this be happening? You know that it's not a joke because Alex would never joke about something like this.

"Y/N," you hear a familiar voice say.

Instead of answering, you continue to cry. You hear your name being called a couple more times.

"Y/N," Your husband, Carey, says, waking you up.

You look at him with teary eyes. "Y/N, why are you crying?" Carey asks.

"I had a terrible dream that you had left and you got into a bad car accident and never came home," you explain.

He pulls you in so you can rest your head on his chest. "Awe, it's okay, baby. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere," he assures you.

"I was so scared that I lost you," you state.

Instead of saying anything, Carey kisses your head. You take in his scent. His scent and his arms wrapped around you comfort you. After awhile, you start to calm down and fall asleep to the sound if your husband's heart beat.

Requested by Nikky_HasNoLife . Sorry that it's semi-depressing, but I hope you like it!

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