Brendan Gallagher Part 2

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"Brendan! Brendan!" You call, but he ignores you.

"Brendan Adam Matthew Gallagher, get over here, now," you command.

He stops dead in his tracks at the sound of his full name. He turns around and walks closer to you. "I'll be in the car. Come out when your done with you're new guy friend," he spit.

You stare at him, shocked as he walks away. You slowly start to follow him back to the car.

The car ride home was mostly silent, until you were about five minutes from home. "I don't even know who he is, Brendan. Y/F/N and I were sitting there and then this guy sits next to me and introduces himself. He was really excited when you scored so he hugged me. He tried to give me his number, but.." you explain.

"He tried to give you his number?!" Brendan cuts you off, furiously.

"Yes. But, Bren, I told him that I already have a boyfriend, which is you," you smile.

"And when we're you going to tell me this?" He snaps back, your smile fading.

"I would've, but you didn't even me explain. You just kept walking. Maybe if you wouldn't have been so selfish and listened to a word I said, then you would understand," you start to stare out the window as a headache starts to form.

"Selfish? I'm the one being selfish?! You're the one who's making it like I gotta listen to every word you say because the whole world revolves around you," he raises his voice.

You were offended by his words and tone of voice. You decided to stay silent for the rest of the ride, which was short. Once you reach your guys' house, you slowly follow Brendan inside.

You walk in behind him. As he slips his shoes off, you close the door behind you. You turn around and before you can even move, Brendan pushes you up against the wall. He inches his face closer to yours; you can feel his breath on your face. He leans all the way in and give a passionate kiss.

After a few moments, he pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. He looks you in the eye, "you're right, I was being selfish. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm sorry for yelling at you," you whisper.

"But, don't you ever make me jealous like that again. You know I hate it when you're around other guys," he states.

"I know," you say, brushing your hand across his cheek. "But you know that you're the only important guy in my life right now. And it'll stay like that forever."

"Don't worry about what I said in the car about the world revolving around only. Because, you are my world. I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, Brendan."

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