Matt Nieto

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"Good afternoon," you hear your boyfriend, Matt, say to you as you wake up.

You had fallen asleep on the couch while Matt was at practice. "What time is it?" You ask as you stretch your arms.

"Almost two," he answers. "Are you okay? Your voice sounds a little raspy."

"Eh, I've had better days," you reply, laying your head back down on your pillow.

Matt scoots closer to you and starts to caress your face, "baby, what's wrong?"

You sigh, "I'm not feeling so well. I can barely breathe because my nose is so stuffy, my stomach hurts and I have a throbbing headache. All I've been doing today is coughing and sneezing."

"I guess that explains all of the used tissues on the coffee table."

"Yeah," is all you can manage to say before you start coughing. "See, I told you it was pretty bad."

"Aww, I'm sorry. Is there anything I could do for you? Do you need some water? Have you eaten anything yet?" Matt suggests. He's so sweet and caring you think to yourself.

"Um, I haven't had much of an appetite today. But now I'm feeling a little hungry," you say.

"Do you have any soup in the pantry?" He asks.

"Yeah, I think so," you answer.

"I'll be right back." With that, Matt gets up off of the couch and runs into the kitchen.

Within ten minutes, he comes back into the living room with a bowl of your favorite soup. "Thanks, Matt." You say, taking the bowl from him. Once he sits down next to you, you give him a kiss on his cheek.

"No problem," he says.

"So, how was practice?" You question.

As you eat your soup, you listen to Matt talk about his day at practice. As he tells his story, he also talks with his hands. You notice that he does that a lot. And, honestly, you think it's kind of cute. "While I was out, I got you something," Matt says once he finished telling you about practice.

"Awe, Matt, you didn't have to get me anything," you say.

"Of course I did," he says getting up.

You were excited to see what he had gotten you. When Matt returned, he had one hand behind his back. He smiles and reveals a bouquet of flowers, your favorites. "I was going to give these to you on our date that we had planned for tomorrow. But, I thought I'd rather give you them now," Matt says.

You take the flowers out of his hand, "thank you so much, Matt."

"Anything to make you happy," he says as he sits down next to you. He wraps one arm around your shoulder and you cuddle with him.

"Matt, you don't need to buy me anything, let alone, flowers, to make me happy. Just seeing you and being with you makes me happy," you say.

"The same goes for you."

"I love you, Matt."

"I love you, too, Y/N."

Requested by Christina_jim . I hope you like it!

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