What A Night

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Hey I'm back! Lol I advise reading the last chapter before reading this one in order to refresh your memory so that there's no confusion

( Destiny POV )

Soon the movie was over, pizza was gone and parents were asleep. Now it's time for the real fun .

"Nowwww it's time for this sleepover to get interesting" Lessey said

"What do you have in mind?" Jor asked

"Chicken Strip?" Lessey questioned

I was confused so I asked, "What's that?"

"It's basically truth or dare without the truth part.. if you chicken out of the dare you have to strip and take off whatever article of clothing the person who gave you the dare chooses"

Sounds like fun. "Oh okay cool"

"So everybody down? And If you are in a relationship your partner cannot get upset" Lessey looked around at everyone

"Yeaaah" we all said in unison

We all got into a big circle and Lessey decided that she'd start off the game.

"Okay ummm Prince I dare you to giiiive," she looked around the circle and stopped at me, smirking. "Give Des a hickey"

Oh Lord, here we go.

He was quick to move closer to me and I was hesitant but after a while I let him do what he had to do and when I say that boy is talented, ooh let me tell you. I pretended like it was nothing but that's one of my weaknesses ! Once he was done, it was his turn to dare someone.

"Alex," he said "I dare you to kiss me.. all tongue"

Everyone turned to the girls and waited for her response and I realized Alex was the unknown girl who had looked familiar when she got here. Still don't know where I've seen her at.

She hesitated and whispered something in Jaden's ear while he just glared at Prince. I understand it all now; this is his girlfriend. Ew.

She went on w the dare and I excused myself from the game, clearly pissed and everybody knew why except Alex.

I went in the bathroom furthest away from the family room that was still on this floor. How could he just up and get a girlfriend but "loved" me so much? I'm glad I didn't fall for the crap but still, that's wrong asf and he hasn't even spoken to me.. guess I know why.

Startled out of my thoughts I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and was disappointed by who I saw standing before me. Yup, it was Jaden.

"What do you want?" I questioned, avoiding eye contact

"You" he said quickly, coming into the bathroom and locking the door behind himself. "Listen, I'm sorry. She's just a distraction to keep me from thinking about you.. or at least I thought that's what she'd be, but she wasn't. You're always on my mind and I just wanna make things right between us. I'll do anything to make you happy.. ANYTHING "

I just looked at him like he was crazy and remembered what I said back in Chicago. I can't stay mad forever while the other person goes on with their life. I guess I could forgive him, but not that easy.

"You're sorry? Prove it"

He smirked, grabbed my hand and lead me out of the bathroom, upstairs to my room without anyone noticing.

He again closed and locked the door behind himself and looked at me seductively. "You said prove it right?"

I nodded.

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