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blah blah blah ...

Bri, Chris & I decided to go to the mall since Bri wanted to go before she left.

- Mall -

Bri & I went to Forever 21 while Chris made his way into Champs.

"He never fails to go in that store...like EVERY time."

"Some things never change, lmao"

We went around the store & bought like 3/4 of the whole store.

(Pops had gave Des a card like Lessey & Bri had lots of spending money.)

"Okay, now I'm hungry." Bri complained.

"Me too. The chef shouldn't have been off duty this morning but let's go to the FC."

We walked all the way to the other side of the mall to the food court & decided to go to Chipotle.

Bri & I ordered & received our food then sat at an empty table.

"Didn't you say your boo worked at Foot Locker?" I asked her


"Does he work at the Foot Locker over there?" I pointed over to an area we had walked passed.

She shrugged. "I don't know"

"You seem upset."

"I'm not, I promise"


She looked over my shoulder & scrunched up her face in confusion. "Is that Jordan.... and Prince?"

I turned around & sure enough Prince & Jordan were sitting at a table not too far behind us.

Wtf? -_-

"Yes, that's them."

"Looks like they're on a date..."


"I know that you want to go say something. Go."

I gave her a "haha, you're funny -_-" smile & got up. I went over to where the two were.

"Destinyyy.." Prince said.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked.

Calm down, Destiny. Calm down.

"Sure...? I'll be right back Jor"


He got up & we walked over to an area where no one was.

"Wassup?" he asked, smirking.

"Why are you here with her??"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't try to be innocent! Why are you & Jordan here together?!"

"For our date, silly."

"You're testing me."

"Why do you care anyways?"

"Stop playing dumb, seriously."

"Well sorry. I can't be stuck on one girl forever."


"You don't know who I like. Calm tf down & stop all of that yelling."

"Who are you to tell me anything?"

"Who are you to tell me who I like or not?"

"Shut up"

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