Mom -./

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( POV: Destiny )

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I rudely said to my mother who was standing outside my door.

"Watch your mouth, I'm your mother. Check that attitude." she shot back. "Where's your dad?"


"Answer the question!"

"You are on my father & I's property without permission. I have the right to call the police so what the hell do you want before I do so," I smirked as I said that.

"How dare you disrespect me little girl? I gave birth to you!" She was getting so mad, I didn't care though.

"You didn't care about that when you left me. So, like I said, what you want? All I have to do is press the button on this alarm system and the cops will be on their way,"

She let out a irritated sigh. "Can I come in? It is raining, ya know?"

"Tell me why you want my dad and why you're here then I'll think about letting you in here."

"Little heifer."


"I need to talk to the both of you, together. It's important so let me in."

"I can't let strangers into my house, sorry." I shot her a extremely fake smile.



"Since when were you allowed to use my first name?" She asked with a weird look on her face.

"Since when ever I felt like it." I told her.

"Why are you so disrespectful!?" she yelled.

"Because you are at my doorstep after 11 years,"

Honestly, I was pissed. How could she just show up here after what all has happened plus it's been ELEVEN years, that's more than a decade! Obviously she didn't care about me over that time so I wasn't trying to hear her little sob story.

The rain started coming down harder and my good conscience convinced her to let my mother inside. Ugh.

Tasha sat at the kitchen table since she didn't want to ruin the leather couches. I went ahead & sat next to her.

"Want anything to drink?" I said, trying to chill my attitude.

"No, I'm fine,"

"Well 'mom', what do you want? I'm positive my dad does not want to see you. I don't even want to see you."

She spoke slowly, probably knowing I wouldn't like what she had to say. "I want you to move with me."


"I have really nice place in LA, I'm a pediatrician, I can provided for you. And your step-dad-"

I cut her off. "Step what?!"

"I can't be alone for 11 years, yes I found a guy and we got married."

"Without me? Really? I'm your daughter. Does he even know you're here visiting your me and your ex? Does he even know about me?!"

"Yes, he does, and he wants to meet you."

"Well, I don't want to meet him. And I'm staying here!"

"LA has better schools, less violence. It's safer than being here. When I heard about you being held up at gunpoint I had to come to get you. You can't stay with your dad, he's into too much to protect you. And well, you're not 18 so I decided to go and get full custody over you. You don't really have a choice. You father already knows everything, he thinks it's for your best to be with me anyways."

"What?! How could you go do something like that without even telling me ANYTHING? I hate the both of you. I'm not living here but I'm not going to LA, neither. Bye."

I slipped on some black Uggs and a Love Pink hoodie. I grabbed my phone and purse then left out. Mom tried following me but I ran too fast and made too many twists and turns to keep up with.


Woopty do, first chapter! How is it so far? Comment 💕 btw, sorry for the shortness, this chapter was only to explain how her mom came along. 😭

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