Chapter 8

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I laid there in bed with Ben kissing when my phone started to buzz beside me. I groaned. I had to get up at start getting ready. I turned back to Ben. "I have to get up and start getting ready for school." He looked upset. "Wouldn't you much rather stay here and do this?" He asked starting to kiss my neck. I moaned. "Stay here in bed with me all day." He said between kisses. "Okay" I breathed. It had become harder to breathe. He moved so his lips met with mine again. The kiss quickly intensified. Our tongues moved together in a heated dance. His hands started rubbing up and down my body. I smirked against his lips and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. I started pulling it up over his head. He grabbed it and threw it off the bed. There was a knock on my bedroom door we froze. "Jayla?" I hear my mom's voice on the other side of the door. "Just a minute!" I called trying to sound calm. I looked over at Ben who was sitting up looking worried. I pointed down towards his shirt then to the closet. He got up as quietly as possible and grabbed his shirt. I followed him up. I quickly shut the closet door behind him before grabbing my silk robe and wrapping it around me. I hurried over to the door.
  I opened it and there stood my mom looking confused. I smiled reassuringly. "Why aren't you getting ready for school?" She asked. My eyes dropped a bit. "I'm not feeling to hot. I think I may have a bug." She now looked worried. She placed her hand on my forehead. "Thankfully you don't have a you need me to stay with you today?" I shook my head. "I don't want you to miss work. I'll call you if I need you." She kissed my forehead. "Okay. Go get some rest honey." I nodded before turning and shutting the door. I made sure she had gone before I opened the closet door. Ben sprang out and grabbed me and fell on the bed. I held his face in my hands keeping his lips on mine. I stopped the kiss remembering something. "Go lock the door." I whispered. He jumped up and hurried over to the door and locked it. He turned back to me and smirked. I rolled my eyes but had a smile on my face. He made his way over to me and pinned me to the bed with his body. I moaned feeling his growing member on my stomach. He smiled and started kissing and biting on my neck. I'd have a hickey there no doubt. I ran my fingers through his black hair. We lay in bed kissing until my phone started to ring. I groaned and moved so I was out from under him. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Chelsea. She will die for this. I looked over at Ben, who had an evil grin on his face. "Hello?" I answered. Ben started kissing my neck again I moaned. I hit his arm but he didn't stop. "Where are you?" She asked over the phone. Suddenly a hand slid down my pants. "Ah..I um..don't feel to good. I think it's a bug or something." She sounded worried. "Okay..I'll let you rest. I'll stop by after school." I bit my lip to keep from moaning. "Okay see you then." I answered before putting my phone down and hitting his shoulder. "You cant do that while I'm on the phone!" I complained. He smiled. "You're so wet." He moaned. "Mhm." I moaned. He pulled down my pants and panties before slipping his boxers off and putting a condom on. He started kissing my neck then pulled my shirt off so he could continue kissing down my body. I moaned and ran my hands through his hair. He got down to my thighs and started kissing them and gently biting them. I tugged on his hair. We were interrupted by a knock at the door. "I'm off to work. Call if you need me! Love you." Mom ordered through the door. "I will. Love you too." I heard her start down the stairs. "Now where were we." Ben growled. I smiled pulling his face up so his lips crashed into mine. He thrust his member into me with a grunt. I moaned.

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