Chapter 7

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I moaned feeling the heat between us. I broke the kiss and placed both of my hands on his chest to make him stop. "They are just down there." I warned with a flick of my eyes. He groaned. "I don't care." I looked into his deep brown eyes. "But I do." I whispered. His eyes dropped down to my lips. "Oh you do, do you?" He lustfully whispered crashing his mouth into mine again. I moaned against his mouth. I heard foot steps on the stairs and I pushed him away. "Jay?" I heard Chelsea's voice outside the door. I shoved him away and he went in the closet and quietly shut the door. "In here Chels!" I hollered. She came through the door looking half asleep. "What are you doing in here?" She asked yawning. "I came up here to use the bathroom and for some reason Ben was in the hall bathroom so I just came in here." I tried to make it sound believable. She nodded. "Lex is up and cooking breakfast." She said pointing behind her. I nodded and started towards the door. "Is Jessica up?" I asked starting down the stairs. "No." Chelsea answered. I smirked and continued down the stairs. Once we got to the bottom I looked over to see Jessica curled up in a ball on the big air mattress. I sneaked over and plopped down beside her and stretched out across her. She jumped startled and rolled over so she was on her back and I was stretched across her stomach. She groaned when she saw me laying across her. I laughed. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I said all lovey. She sighed and pushed me off of her. I laughed and heard Lexie giggling from the kitchen. I heard Ben on the stairs making his way down. "How was the movie night ladies?" He asked reaching the bottom. Jess grunted in reply and Chelsea answered him with a nod. "It was good." I answered seeing nobody else was going to give a verbal reply. He looked up at me when I spoke. He tried to catch my eye but I wouldn't look up at him. I got up and walked into the kitchen to see if Lex needed any help.

I sighed feeling his presence behind me. Ignoring him I started talking to Lexie. "Morning Lex. Do you need any help?" She turned and smiled shaking her head no. "I'm okay thank you though. You can go back in there with the sleepy girls." I laughed and turned to walk back into the living room and my eyes caught Ben's who was shooting me a look. I gave him an innocent look before ignoring him and walking back in there with Jess and Chels. I flopped down on the couch beside Chelsea and looked down at Jessica who was trying to fall back asleep on the air mattress. The way she was spread out it was a wonder all four of us slept there together. "Breakfast is ready ladies!" I got up off the couch and nudged Jessica to make her get up. She grunted at me touching her. "Get up or I'm eating your breakfast!" I warned her starting into the kitchen. I heard her come stomping after me. "I ain't even that hungry but I'm going to eat all of it just so you don't get mine." "Hateful!" I whined. Chelsea laughing coming up behind us. "You know next time I don't think Jess should be invited to the sleep over..she's too grumpy in the mornings." I told Lexie sitting down. She just laughed and shook her head. I sat down where Lexie had placed my coffee. Chelsea sat beside me and Jessica sat across from me. I looked down at my plate and saw 3 pancakes and 2 pieces of bacon before me. I reached over to grab the butter and buttered my pancakes and then poured syrup over them. I was fixing to start eating when Ben came over and sat in the chair beside mine. I internally groaned. I mean don't get me wrong I love to be around him but he is married.
   I sat there in silence eating my breakfast. "Are you okay Jay?" Lexie asked concerned. I nodded. "Yeah just still half asleep." I answered with a small smile. She smirked. "You teenagers and your sleep." I looked over at Jessica who looked mad to be awake. "And apparently 26 year olds too." I said with a smirk. Jess glanced up. "Well you children kept me up til 3 this morning." I glanced over at Chels and giggled. "You need to learn to hang with the young ones." She shook her head. "I'll stick with my husband and toddler at least they aren't up til 3am then up at 7am and happy about it." Lexie laughed. "You love us!" I said in a sappy voice. She shook her head but the smile on her face showed she wasn't serious. "What movies did y'all watch?" Ben asked. I opened my mouth to answer but Lexie beat me to it. "Just the normal chic flicks like The Notebook, and Dear John and then ended the night with Never Been Kissed." He nodded. "I'm so upset I missed those movies." He said sarcastically. I smirked. "You missed all the fun." She said. He glanced over at me and his eyes traveled down to my lips. "Oh I'm sure I did." He answered with a small smile. I looked away from his face and back down at my plate. I hate how he can do that. One glance at me and I melt. I finished my plate and picked up the clean plates and started in the kitchen.
I opened the dish washer and started loading it. I heard footsteps behind me and then someone place a plate in the dishwasher and then clear their throat. I glanced up at them and saw it was Chelsea. I raised my eyebrows at her expression. "Come up stairs with me for a minute." Confused I reluctantly followed her. We walked upstairs and into Ben's home office. She shut the door and spun around to face me. "What was that downstairs?" I internally freaked out. I tried to play it off. "What are you talking about?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "Don't play stupid Jay. I saw the way he looked at you. I'm surprised he didn't jump you right then and there." "No he didn't." I tried to deny it. "Did you really not see it?" She asked. I shook my head. "No. I didn't pay any attention to it...he's married Chels. He'd never. He loves Lexie." "He may love her and I'm not saying he doesn't I'm just saying he looked at you like he'd rather have his hand down your pants than sitting there talking about movies." I felt my cheeks heat up. I have to make him stop with the looks and flirty actions. "I never noticed it. He's like a brother to me." I answered trying to sound like I had no idea what she was talking about. She smirked. "He's not too terrible to look at though." I shook my head with a smile. "He's married Chels." She nodded. "I know but it won't kill anybody if I steal a glance every so often." I shook my head but had a smile on my face. "Admit it! You look sometimes!" She insisted. I shook my head but couldn't deny it. "Sometimes..I steal a glance." She opened her mouth shocked. "You could so hit it!" She answered without batting an eye. My mouth flew open. "Chelsea! I could never! He's.." I was cut off by the door opening.
  Ben stood there looking from me to her looking confused. "What are y'all doing?" He asked. "We came to behold the beauty of your office." Chelsea answered before I could. I internally groaned at the lame excuse she gave. His eyes flashed over to mine. I quickly looked down away from him. "..okay. Well I just needed this." He said picking up his laptop and opening the door. "We're leaving too." I quietly said and walked towards the door. He held it open and let us go out first. I stopped off at the bathroom before heading down stairs. I heard their footsteps on the stairs. I sighed a breath of relief. She's gonna find out and blow this whole thing to hell. My thoughts taunted. I took a deep breath. Calm down Jayla she doesn't know and she never has too. She hasn't seen anything...but the way he looks at you. My mind sneered. A few minutes later I heard someone coming upstairs. "I'll grab my charger!" I heard Ben holler coming up the stairs. I opened the door when he reached the top. He made sure no one was following him before opening the office door and holding it open for me. I walked in and he shut the door behind him and locked it. I turned around and ran straight into him. "Chelsea is gonna figure it out if you don't stop." I blurted out. "She's seen the looks you give me. Ben she can't find out." I said almost in tears. He brought his hands up and placed them on my cheeks. "I won't. Trust me. We won't be figured out." He assured me placing a kiss gently on my lips. "I won't let it happen. Okay?" I nodded my head before resting my forehead against his chin. We stood there for a while. "We better go back downstairs before we end up in trouble." I said quietly. He chuckled and let me go. I unlocked the office door and slipped out and started down the stairs. I plopped down on the couch and snuggled up beside Chelsea who had a stupid smirk on her face that only grew more when she saw Ben come down the stairs shortly after me. I sighed and tried to focus on the show Jessica and Lexie picked to watch.

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