Wedding Day

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I stood there nervously waiting for the music to start. "You okay?" My dad asked looking down at me. I nodded, but inside I was screaming No of course I'm not okay! I'm getting married today and I don't know what to do!' The music started and the church doors opened. I looked up and saw Will standing at the end of the aisle smiling. I smiled back. I do. I love him. I kept reminding myself. I glanced around as we started walking. I saw Ben and Lexie. They smiled but I could tell Ben's smile wasn't real. It didn't meet his eyes. I looked away from him and took a deep breath looking back at Will.
    I got to the end of the aisle and my daddy handed me off and I stood there with Will our hands joined. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I beamed back at him. The minister started talking. We went through our vows and the minister was talking again. "If there is anybody here that has probable cause that these two should not get married should speak now or forever hold their peace." No one said anything. "Then by the power vested in me by the state of Tennessee I now pronounce you husband and wife. Will, you may now kiss your bride." The minister said with a smile. I looked back at Will and grinned before pulling his face into mine and planting a kiss on his lips. "I love you." I whispered against his lips as we broke the kiss. "I love you more." he answered. The preacher turned us around so we were facing the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to introduce to you; Mr. and Mrs. William Trice!" He said happily. I smiled as the crowd cheered and walked back down the isle with Will.


We spent the night dancing and having a good time. I even talked to Ben and everything. When the reception was over me and Will left for our honeymoon. He got us tickets for a week long stay in Rio. I walked out of the reception hall holding his hand. We got in the car Will had arranged for us to take to the airport. It was loaded down with our luggage already so all we had to do was get in and head to the airport. I was now off to start my perfect honeymoon with my sweet new husband. I joined my hand with Will's before staring at the scenery outside of the car window.
We pulled up at the airport and boarded our flight. I sat in my seat beside Will. I looked over at him and was met with a warm smile. I brought my face forward and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "I'm ready to be on the beach in Rio." I said excitedly. He nodded. "I'm ready to start my life with you." I grinned. "So am I." We rode the rest of the way there having comfortable conversation. We decided to go house looking as soon as we got back from Rio. The thought of house looking made me think of Ben. My heart hurt, but I wouldn't let anything happen. I pushed the thoughts down and tried to focus on the now and the wonderful man sitting beside me.

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