Chapter 14

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I walked into the restaurant with Chelsea. We were seated. My phone vibrated. I glanced down to see what it said.
Ben: " I got out and locked the door. What's all that about Dr. Hottie? ;)"
Me: " Okay good. See you's Chelsea's nickname for you haha."
I texted back quickly before putting my phone up and looking back up at Chelsea. "What are you getting?" I asked not wanting to have this conversation now. She glanced at her menu. "Probably spaghetti Alfredo. What are you getting?" She asked. "Probably the same thing as you." She nodded.
After a few minutes of silence she looked up at me. "Jay why don't you just say what's been on the tip of your tongue since I called you this afternoon." She said. I took a deep breath. Please don't let her freak out. "Okay so Chels I need you to swear you won't tell a soul what I'm fixing to tell you." She nodded and I continued. "Chelsea for the last few months I've been in a secret relationship...he's married and it's very complicated but I had to tell someone it was tearing me apart and I needed to tell you so I could have someone to vent to and share with. I never wanted to start this relationship anyways because he's married and it's wrong on so many levels and I'm a minor and..." She cut me off.

"And he's married to one of your bestfriends." She answered for me. My mouth dropped open. "You know?" I said breathless. She nodded. "Jayla he made it too obvious I pretty much figured it out a long time ago. I just wanted you to tell me. I didn't want to make you tell me. I wanted you to decide on your own to tell me. That's why I always aggravated you about him. That and I saw his truck parked down he road in that empty houses' driveway." She said a smirk plastered across her face. "So you're not mad?" I asked still not able to breathe. She shook her head. "Oh honey no. If I could have that man in my bed then I would do it in a heartbeat. Is it wrong? Hell yes it is. But is he hot? Hell yes he is! Now I'm not saying it's right for you to bed sleeping with Lexie's husband but I'm saying in the end no one is to get hurt. No one has to know. Just don't make it awkward when y'all stop having sex." She said. She thought we were just a fling.

We're more than that...I think... "So you know. Does anybody else know?" I asked. "You mean Lexie or Jen? No. Nobody but me has noticed it. That's why I kept trying to give you hints to tell him to chill out. Y'all were going to get caught with the way he acted with you." She answered with a shrug. I gave a slight nod. "I'm glad you know." Was all I said. She nodded as our food came. I had forgotten we had ordered all ready. We are mostly in comfortable silence. For the first time in a long time it felt like we were connected again. That nothing was creating tension in between us. As we finished dinner and paid she gave me a mischievous grin. "Wanna pay Lex a surprise visit?" She asked. My eyes got as big as saucers. "No Chels! We can't just show up there whenever now that you know! We just keep it quiet like no one knows you even know." I said. She shook her head. "I want to go see Lexie. Let's go!" She said pulling me to her car. I reluctantly followed with a groan. She giggled and started the car. I threw my head back against the seat. We pulled up in their neighborhood. "See they're not even home." I said pointing at their driveway. "No, but he is." She said pointing to his truck in the driveway. "Chelsea we can't just invite ourselves over." I pleaded. "I really don't think he'll mind." She said wriggling her eyebrows at me. I shook my head as she shut the car off in their driveway. She slung her car door open and I reluctantly got out too. I followed her up to the front door where she knocked then rang the doorbell. After a few seconds no one answered and I breathed a sigh of relief. "No ones home lets go." I said grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the door. We turned to walk back down the driveway when I heard the front door open. Way to go Ben. I said sarcastically in my head. "Jay? Chelsea?" He said looking out the door I assume. I was forcibly turned when Chelsea whipped around. "Hello Benjamin." She said. I wanted to laugh out loud at her ridiculousness. "Chelsea?" He said in greeting. "Whatcha doing?" She asked. He shrugged. "Just watching tv...what are you doing here?" He asked glancing from her to me. I just shook my head. "We were just out on the town and wondered if you were doing anything." She said. He shook his head. "Uh would you like to come in?" He asked confused. I shook my head but Chelsea answered for the both of us. "Well sure!" She said enthusiastically. I was drug up to the front door with her with Ben holding the front door open. "What in the hell is this?" He asked as I passed him. "I honestly have no idea." I said as I passed him.
      Chelsea finally let me go and I slipped my flats off before going over to the couch and sitting down. Ben walked over and sat down beside me in the chair by the couch. Chelsea walked over and plopped down at the other end of the couch. "Where's Lex?" She asked mid plop. "Work conference. She should be back in two days." He answered. He looked down at me. "She knows" I mouthed to him. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "She's completely okay with it. Coming here was he idea. I don't even know to be honest" I answered him. He gave a slight nod before looking back over at Chelsea who had a stupid grin on her face. I rolled my eyes at her. "Are you on drugs?" I asked her from my end of the couch. She shook her head. "Nope. Just happy for you." She answered. Oh my God. I hid my face in my hands. I glanced up to see a smirking Ben. "She's off her rocker I'm telling you." I mumbled to him. "Am not!" She argued. "Then why did you drag me here." I asked. "Because he's still my friend. Nothing has changed you're just being over dramatic about it. I'm completely sane and fine. You are the only one making it awkward. I don't want me knowing anything make it weird. I came to hang out with Lexie but she's not here so I'm hanging out with Ben." She answered I nodded. I guess I was being a little crazy about it worrying about people's reactions to it. Ben glanced down at me and a smile made his way across his lips. I smirked and looked back at Chelsea who had stretched out and had her phone out. "So how long were you stuck in the closet?" She asked not looking up from her phone. I giggled and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "I..Uh...You knew I was in there?" He asked. She nodded. "I saw your truck. Dr. Hottie." She answered with a smirk.
          I just shook my head. "" He stuttered. She laughed. "You could've told anybody and you choose to tell the one person who would take every opportunity to embarrass me?" He whispered in my ear. I turned to look at him. "Ben she already knew I didn't have to tell her." I answered seriously. His face drained of all its color. "How? We were careful." He whispered. "The way you treated me gave it away for her. She noticed the flirty actions." I explained. "No one else has figured it out though." I threw in quickly. He slowly nodded his head. "We have to be more careful." I warned. He slowly nodded. Ben got up and made us some drinks. He brought them back and I took a sip of mine. "You guys are being careful right like using protection and everything right?" She asked nonchalantly. I choked on my drink. Ben answered her just as nonchalant. "Yeah. I'm not an idiot Chels." She nodded in approval. I looked from her to him shocked. "No no no! We need rules! Chelsea I love you but we can't just talk about it out in the open like it's just the most normal thing in the world. Ben this is my bestfriend she knows but she is not required to know all of our business." I said looking at both of them. Chelsea shrugged. "I was just wondering." She said. "Well don't. I know I've done some stupid things but I do know what safe sex is." I answered. "Chill Baby." He mumbled from the chair beside the couch. I glared at him. He gave me a goofy grin.
I just rolled my eyes but I had a smile on my face. "Awh!" Chelsea said from where she sat. I just shook my head getting up. I grabbed my empty glass and headed in the kitchen to put my glass up. I felt arms wrap around me. "Are you happy now? Somebody knows." He mumbled into my neck. "I guess. I just didn't expect that reaction from her." I mumbled. "I guess that's better than her getting furious and telling Lexie." He said. I nodded. "Are y'all going to stay the night." He whispered seductively in my ear. I smirked. "I don't know Doc you have work tomorrow." I answered. "I'd rather study your anatomy." He said kissing my neck. I moaned. "Chelsea's just in the other room." I tried to object. He spun me around. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He picked me up and put me up on the counter. He planted his lips on mine. I smirked against his lips. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you more." He replied. "She doesn't think that we are nothing more than just some fling." I whispered. He shook his head. "To me you are so much more than that. I hope you know that." I nodded my head. "I do." He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I planted my lips on his. He quickly intensified the kiss. I broke the kiss. "Chelsea's in there we can't." I said sadly. "And knowing her she'll be in here any minute." I said. He laughed sitting me down. I walked back in the living room to find a smirking Chelsea. I just shook my head smiling at her. "Did I miss anything good?" I glared over at her causing her to giggle. "Ben came back in the living room and sat back down in his chair. We continued to watch tv most of the night. When Chelsea hadn't said anything for a while I glanced over and saw her sleeping body. I smirked at her sleeping body. I glanced over at Ben and saw him already watching me. I giggled and got up grabbing his hand as I did. I lead him upstairs and into his bedroom where I shut the door before pushing him down on the bed and climbing on top of him. He grinned cheekily at me and I brought his mouth up to mine

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