Chapter 6

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"Today was great mom." I said with a smile sitting down on the couch tired from shopping all day. "This was an overdue much needed girls day." I nodded in agreement. Mom looked over at the clock on the wall. "Our dinner reservations aren't until 6:30 so I think I'll go lay down for a while. I got up in agreement. I was wore out. "I'll set my alarm for 5. If you're not up I'll come wake you." Mom gave me a wave in reply walking away to the bedroom she shared with my father. I walked up the stairs and into my room where I flopped down on the bed. I groaned feeling my phone vibrate in the pocket. Again. I fished it out of my pocket and looked to see I had 15 messages from Ben. They all mainly said the same thing. 'Where are you?! Why aren't you texting me back? Babe are you okay?!' I rolled my eyes before replying. 'Yes I'm fine. I was with my mom all day. I couldn't text you back for the risk of her finding out and killing us both. I need you to trust me. Okay?' I replied. I got an instant text back. 'I'm just glad you're okay. Sorry for being over dramatic.' I yawned before texting him back. 'Hey babe I think I'm gonna take a nap. I'm wore out. Xoxo' I put my phone down on the table and turned over so I was laying on my side and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
I woke up to my phone ringing beside me. I answered it yawning. "Hey Jay." I heard Chelsea say on the other end. "Hey." I answered. "What's wrong with you grumpy gills?" I groaned. "You woke me." She laughed. "Oh well. Get ready. I'll be over in 5." "What? Wh" I was cut off by the sound of a dead line. She hung up on me. I groaned and rolled over. If I can't wear my comfy clothes I'm not going. Five minutes later I hear my mom open the door and her greet Chelsea. "Yeah sweety go on up. You may have to wake her up though." I heard my mom say. I groaned. As soon as she opened the door I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her without even turning over to face her. I heard her catch it then laugh. She came over and plopped down on the bed beside me. "If I can't wear comfy clothes I ain't going!" I declared. "Yes you are. We're going shopping with Lexie and Jessica. Then we are all going back to Lexie's for a movie/girl's night. So back a bag and put clothes on!" She ordered. I groaned and rolled over to face her. "Will you grab my bag and go get my makeup and remover and tooth brush out of my bathroom?" I said with a cheesy smile. She rolled her eyes. "Just because we have to meet Lexie at the house in 10." She mutter walking to the bathroom. My smiled dropped as soon as she walked out of the room. I grabbed my phone.
Me: did you know anything about this movie night tonight at your house?" I texted Ben. He texted back instantly.
Ben: No? Y'all are staying at my house again?
Me: Yeah. Me,Chelsea, and Jessica are after we go shopping.
Ben: well this is news to me. But see you tonight ;)
I rolled my eyes with a smile reading the text message.

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