Chapter 15

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I stood in the kitchen watching him cook. He noticed me watching and smirked. I blushed and looked away embarrassed. I turned so I could see out into the room to see if anybody was coming. Thankfully nobody was supposed to be back here for another hour. I felt a hand on my butt and I spun around to come face to face with him. He gave me a sly smile before placing a finger under my chin and tilted it up. I looked up into his intense brown eyes. He brought his face down so his lips collided with mine. I brought my hands up to his face. He picked me up and placed me up on the counter I was leaning against. He came up in between my legs and placed his arms around my lower back. He pulled his arms towards him bringing my body closer to his. I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck. He licked my lips and I was fixing to part them when I heard someone open the door. We jumped apart.
Thankfully the door being opened was at the far end of the reception room and whoever came in couldn't see me or Ben. I hopped of the counter and fixed my shirt. I glanced over at Ben who was now turned towards the stove completely 'ignoring' me when Jack,a man who was in charge of the benefit, walked up to the kitchen. "Hello Ben, Jayla." He said giving me a once over. I looked away uncomfortable. Ben must have seen because I felt him behind me, but not too close. Not as close as I would have liked. "Where's Lexie?" Jack asked. "Should be here sometime. She was working a little late tonight so she should be here sometime around 6:30 or 7:00." Ben answered. Jack glanced over at me again. "Do you need any help back here?" He asked. "Nope we're all good here." Ben answered for me. He glanced over at Ben trying to hide his annoyance.
Ben stepped up so he was leaning against the counter like me. I felt his hand snake around my hips and the travel towards the top of my pants. I grew wet at his touch. Thankfully the counter was high enough that Jack couldn't see Ben's hand down my pants and then move out and land on my butt. I tried to look and act normal but it wasn't working very well. Jack glanced at me and I felt Ben's hand tighten on me. Jack turned with a nod and walked back out the door he came in. Once he was gone I turned and walked out of the kitchen and over to the supply closet next to it and Ben followed me. Once inside I clicked the lock on the door and attacked Ben's lips with mine. I fell back against the door and Ben picked me up and pinned me against the door. I wrapped my legs around him. I broke the kiss and looked in his lust filled eyes. I unwrapped myself from him and stood before him. I moved my hands so I could unbutton his shirt. I started undoing the buttons and he undid my pants and slid them down bringing my panties with them. I was almost done with his shirt when he cupped my sex and then stuck a finger inside. I moaned and threw my head back bracing myself against the door. He started pumping in and out of me. I couldn't take it any longer, I grabbed his pants and quickly undid his belt and undid his pants. I pulled them down along with his boxers and brought his lips to mine for a quick instant. He picked me up again and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I leant forward and whispered in his ear. "Fuck me Ben." I breathed. He pressed me up against the door. "Yes ma'am." He moaned thrusting into me.

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